Part seventeen

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“What did you dream about?” Lucas moved closer to me and laid his head on my lap. He was really like a small version of Dimitri. I smiled and stroked his midnight hair.

“I remembered how my mom would sing to me before I fell asleep, and how my dad would race with me through the woods near our home.” He said. I continued to stroke his hair.” I also dreamt about my brother.” I stopped for a second, but kept going.

“About?” I asked.

“We would play fight, and he would let me win.” He said,” He would teach me how to hunt when dad was busy with the pack.” I smiled while I listened. Dimitri was a good big brother.” I also remembered how Dimitri would let me sleep with him when I had a bad dream.” Lucas looked up at me and I smiled.

“Sounds like you finally remember him.” I said and he nodded. He sat up and hugged me.

“I’m glad he has you.” I hugged him back and kissed his cheek

“I’m glad he has you back.” I said and he looked at me.” He needs a piece of home again.” Lucas nodded, not fully understanding what I meant by that. He is only eight after all. Soon after a hunting party was sent out to bring us back food. It was quite a large party, I mean it’s understandable for the amount of people they would need to feed.

As I waited for everyone to return I played games with the children like cat and mouse, I chased them around the room, catching them one by one placing them in a small circle. We even sang songs and did dances. Once the party returned they had brought four large elks. The kids jumped happily as they knew they were about to have their dinner. All the males in the packs gave their families their food before eating themselves. Every family should be like this even the humans, but we all know how easily persuaded humans are. We wolves have pride, and we protect our loved ones, not harm them. Everyone ate and the males headed out to the field with their alphas. I started walking to the door when Lucas stopped me.

“Yes?” I asked. He held my hand and kneeled down to his level.” It’s alright Lucas.” I said and hugged him. He hugged me tightly and let go.

“When are you coming back?” He asked.

“It shouldn’t take long, I’ll be back before you fall asleep.” I answered and stood up. He nodded and went to play with the others. I smiled and walked out the door to follow the others. They were walking up the small hill to the field. I took off in a slow jog to catch up. I made my way to the front where Kyra and Paul were leading the packs. I started to walk besides Kyra and Paul.

“It seems Dimitri is letting you join us.” Kyra said.

“Yeah, he said I could join if I could pin him down long enough.” I answered. She smiled.

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” She said through a laugh. I smiled, I wasn’t sure what she meant by that but I would take it as a good sign that I had a chance. I felt as someone grabbed my hand and looked over to see Dimitri. I smiled and he gave a small one back. He still wasn’t happy with my choice. I sighed heavily, this was still going to a battle with him.

We stopped in the field and Kyra and Paul stepped on the boulder. The night was bright as the as the moon shined down on the field. It was waning but with Kyra standing here it seemed to glow with happiness. We crossed our fists over our hearts as a sign of respect and we sat down to listen to them.

“Tonight we will choose wolves who will be able to handle the duty of taking small numbers and guiding them when your alpha or another cannot.” Paul said. A few whispers filled the crowd. No one liked the idea of letting someone else lead the pack, to them it was a sign that they were weak and couldn’t control them when it was needed.” Do not think just because someone is giving commands to your pack member that you are weak.”

Legends (Rewriting)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt