I loosened my grip on his throat so that he could speak.

"Russians, they-y kidnappe-ed her." He said, and my eyes darkened. I choked him once again and punched his face throwing him across the room.

He landed on my office desk and groaned in pain. I was so angry, I couldn't think straight.
My thoughts were jumbled around one sentence, Brooklyn and Russians.

"Scram. Before I kill you." I roared, and I am sure the whole house heard me. He got up and limped towards the door, leaving.

An hour later, my office was completely destroyed. All the things present were either unidentifiable or in pieces. I was finally regaining my senses and called the only person who would be able to help me.

"What's up buddy? How was the attack?" He asked, through the phone. His voice sounding extra chirpy.

"Hello?" He asked again when I didn't reply.

"Brooklyn. She has been kidnapped by the fucking Russians." I said through gritted teeth, feeling my anger resurface.

"What? When, How?" He asked, bombarding me with questions.

"I don't know how and when. I had few of my men guard her house and follow her around but after a few hours of when I came from the attack, she was gone."

"How do you know it was the Russians? I mean, it could be anyone."

"As far as I know, her sweet soul wouldn't hurt a thing. And the fuckers already tried to harm her once before." I said, my eyes darkening in fury as I recalled the time when I almost lost her.

"Well, I will be there and we can discuss this." He said and hung up before I could even reply.

After about 30 minutes I heard the bell ring. I looked through the CCTV camera's screen on my wall which seemed to be the only thing I did not destroy in my office. Sure enough, it was Antonio.

I opened the door through the button and saw him come inside, then stalk towards my office.

He entered my somewhat stable office and shook his head as he almost tripped over a broken wooden piece.

I did have a maid come in and clean up a little, but I couldn't stand her constantly trying to seduce me so I fired her.

"What have you done to this place?" He said in astonishment, sitting on the half-broken chair opposite mine which seemed to be the only thing the maid actually straightened up except prancing her botox ass around.

"Anyway, I might have some information on where they have kept her. I have a few of my best trackers on it. We'll find her soon." He said, and I nodded. I just had to be patient and we would find her. But who was I trying to convince?

"But I thought you didn't care about her." He said, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't." I lied through my teeth.

"You don't? Well, the way you got so angry at her missing it all says otherwise."

"Shut the fuck up." I bluntly said.

"Admit it, you like her." He said teasingly, ignoring my previous statement. He clearly knew me better than I thought.

Before I could even reply, the door burst open and the head security guard of my house came in panting with a box.

"Boss, I think you might want to see this." He said, nervously and placed the box on the half-broken desk.

I opened the box, seeing a CD in it along with a paper. I read the paper,

Dear Diavolo,

I am sure you got the news of your beloved Brooklyn's stay with us.

My, my shall I say what a beauty you have caught this time.

My men will have a lot of fun with her sweet little body. ;)

Here is a preview of how comfortable she is with us. Enjoy.

With no love,
The Russians.

The letter was written in scrawny hand-writing and I tore it once I finished reading.

Those fucking bastards, I will cut their fingers off if they so much as even lay a hand on her.

"You need to calm down. We need to handle this situation reasonably, not with emotions but with our mind. Alright?" Antonio said. Always the man of wise words.

"You go bring a laptop to put this CD in." He then said to the head security guard who nodded and rushed out as I tried to cool down my anger.

I watched as Antonio put the CD in the laptop and clicked play. Immediately my entire body shook in anger because of what I was seeing.

There sat, Brooklyn, tied up to a chair all bruised up. One man was hitting her and she was limp except for the occasional whimpers.

The man then looked at the camera and winked, slapping her.

"She is one tough bitch, you know. But I know just how to crack her." He said, scanning her body and licking his lips. I clenched my fists.

And then the video ended, making me take the laptop and break it in half throwing the pieces across the room. I ignored Antonio who tried to hold me down.

I will fucking ruin those motherfuckers.


a u t h o r' sn o t e:

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a u t h o r' s
n o t e:

don't hate me please! i just didn't have time to update this week. sorry.

anyway, this update took me like 2 days to type.
*sighs in frustration*

also, i have a backup/side account.
go follow me there- fatii2272

thanks for reading.


much love,

much love,

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