Last year I really fell apart... Behind my chuunibyou and being the president of the drama club...

"I'm better now! Hee hee... Knowing you'll always be there for me is more assuring than you know, Karma." I giggled. "I'm glad I can be here for you Y/n~"

It was PE and so far it's been incredible hell.

Takaoka~sensei, as I thought was probably the most fake person I've ever met. He's definitely up there next to... That piece of shit who will not be named.

I would've left but after seeing him knee Maehara in the stomach and slap Kanzaki... This wasn't acceptable. Mama Y/n is not letting this continue. "Excuse fucking me but what the hell are you doing? You do not just barge into this classroom pretending to be a nice guy and hurt my classmates." I snarled.

"You have a problem with my teaching methods? Maybe we should let our fists do the talking." He rolled up his sleeves with a smile on his face. I cracked my knuckles. "Gladly."

"Stop, Takaoka!" Karasuma~sensei shouted appearing in front of me. He checked on Kanzaki and Maehara. "If you want to get violent your opponent is me, not the students." Takaoka~sensei began to laugh, "I'm not being violent, I just have different teaching methods but... Choose one of your students that you trained and if they get a hit on me with a knife I'll leave. If I win, I continue here. Oh and..." He pulled out an anti-sensei knife, threw it on the ground, and took out a real knife from his bag. "We'll be using the real deal."

Everyone gasped, a real knife on a human? I've used one before but not on another... Haha..

"I'll be unarmed so it should be easy! You couldn't have asked for a better handicap." Karasuma turned around and scanned all of us. He had a very uncertain look on his face. His eyes landed on me. "L/n~san, will you do it?" He asked. Wait, me? Shouldn't he choose Nagisa~kun?!

"Are you sure Karasuma~sensei? I thought that you'd choose Nagisa~kun." I said, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. "Both of you are very capable but you stick out the most, L/n~san." This is a serious matter so I should trust his decision.

"I'm offended Karasuma, choosing a small brat like-" I ran at Takaoka~sensei while he was talking, came behind him and had the knife hovering right over his neck, ready to decapitate him. "Don't even think about talking shit about me." I hissed into his ear and released him.

He fell forward but quickly scrambled back up. "Get out of here and don't come back!" Maehara shouted. Takaoka turned around facing me. "I'll get revenge one day. I will destroy you." He jogged over to his bag and ran off.

"L/n~san, fantastic job. You were able to take advantage of the situation without him noticing." Karasuma~sensei praised. "Leading off with 'small' as your opening line will never do anyone any good~" I grinned. "I learned that the hard way..." Okajima stated. "You got what you deserved!" Kaede exclaimed and I giggled. But it is true that Kaede~chan's breasts are small~

"It's true L/n~san had won but what if she had gotten hurt?" Koro Sensei who was watching from afar came over. "You would have jumped in and at your speed stopped what could've happened." Karasuma~sensei replied, sweat dropping.

I turned my attention to my classmates who had crowded around me. "It's only natural for L/n~san though, don't you think?" Sugino laughed. "To be honest, I thought it was surprising, but I had full confidence in L/n~chan!" Isogai stated.

"Koro Sensei is our classroom teacher and Karasuma~sensei is our training instructor. That fact won't ever change." I concluded.

"Hey! What am I!" My attention went to Jelabitch~sensei, I didn't even realize she was here! "Our bitch." Takebayashi said making many of us laugh or sweat drop.

Well, that's that. Takaoka Akira is gone and Karasuma~sensei is back! I think we deserve a reward~

A/n: First of all, after the first time skip I have a feeling some of you got pissed off about the depression thing. I know that mentioning that might've been a bad idea but the character I made L/n Y/n out to be is very emotional and get's more hurt by certain events. I've done brief research and the terms I used were valid and made sense, but I said brief research, many of you are probably more knowledgeable than me so correct my term usage if I'm wrong.

Towards the end of the chapter- I know in the anime and manga the principal shows up but let's just say that Takaoka got the dismissal paper on his way out so the students don't see what happened.

And finally...

This will be the last chapter of the year! This year on Wattpad has been amazing and this book gained so much attention that I never would have imagined receiving! I look forward to another year with all of you lovely readers. You might see me on my updates and rants book, but if not then...

See you all next year~!

Kawaī jagaimo no neko o yonde kurete arigatō! Watashi wa anata hitorihitori ga daisukidesu! Ato de subete o kyatchi! Baii~ 💖Shadowhuskies📚

Translates to: Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~

Can I Fall Back on You? (Karma Akabane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now