~Chapter Twenty-One~

Start from the beginning

I quickly cover my mouth in embarrassment as I look around at the others who look towards me with smiles and small giggles. But soon after, Lance then quickly whipped his head towards Keith.

"OH YEAH?! Well the amount you have Keith could be..." Lance paused as he tried to come up with a good enough comeback.

"Yeah?" Keith asks while crossing his arms and leaning against the wall in wait for Lances comeback.

"I-It's less than what I have!" Lance proudly exclaims and I let out another snort but turn away from the others as I laugh.

I place my hand on the wall as I cover my face with my hand while laughing. The mice climb down my body and sit below me, looking up at my red and laughter filled face, from below.

"Oh good one." Keith responds and I laugh harder and wipe a tear as I turn back to the others.

"Good to have you back." Shiro whispers to me and sends me a smile and I send one back while still slightly giggling.

"So, this is how you incorporated King Alfor's memories into the castle of lions?" Pidge asked as she was way more focused on the technology than she was us.

"Precisely. But, it has never been used on an unwilling participant..." Coran says as he finishes his adjustments and stands back to look at the machines.

The small pod begins to glow a blue color and it sounded as though it was being filled with water. It was actually quite beautiful to look at.

"Um...is this what's supposed to happen?" Hunk asks as we stare at the empty pod, the ridges glowed in the blue tint but the center remained hollow and dark.

"Let's give it some time." Shiro announces and the wait began.

Five minutes. Ten minutes. Thirty minutes. One hour. Two hours. We sat for two entire hours, staring at this forever empty container. Hunk fell asleep standing up and I was leaning against his sleeping form for support as I was begging to nod off myself.

"I'm going to go train." Keith says which began the escape.

Next was Pidge, then Hunk, after he had woken up almost making me tumble over, then I looked between Lance, who was peddling his feet on the ground, and with Shiro, who was continuously staring at the pod.

"Hey guys, I um....if it's ok....I would like to go take a bath." I shyly ask and Shiro looks at me from his peripherals and nods.

"Well then, I must be off as well. I have a million duties to attend to. Between the Galra crystal infecting our systems, and avoiding those ships, and performing the Balmera rejuvenation ceremony, the old castle of lions had taken quite the beating. Every system needs to be recharged and repaired." Coran says with a stretch.

"I'll stay. Somewhere in Sendak's mind is the information on Zarkon that we need." Shiro says while never taking his gaze from the pods.

I look at Shiro and release a saddened sign to see him so tense and hard at work as we do absolutely nothing. I then watch as Lance hops up from his spot and stretches.

"Ok well, you guys do that. I think I'm gonna get my chill on. Maybe kick back with some lemonade or space juice, or whatever. (Y/n), wanna join me?" Lance says while sliding up next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, and smiling flirtatiously at me.

I release a giggle as he starts to lead me out, but Coran grabbed his collar and yanked him back towards him.

"Hold on there space juice, you're going to come with me." Coran says with his hands on his hips.

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