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"...Eh...?" Her head swung to look over at him, who was avoiding her eyes. Mai could have sworn she was delusional, Hibari had actually asked her that, and, was that pinkness on his cheeks... was he blushing?

She hadn't even realised she'd said 'Of course', it seemed to just slip past as a fading whisper. Her eyes never left his form, and after hearing her speak, his monster hearing acting up again, he turned to meet her eyes; not a look of happiness on his face, obviously; he was frowning, but there was relief and a watered down kind of 'joy' in his eyes.

He held out his left hand for her to place her own in, after looking at it for a few seconds, she raised her own left hand and gingerly placed it in his. He grabbed her hand and held it in place, bringing his other hand out and fitting a beautiful ring upon her finger. The light blue tint of the gem glowed in the low light, similarly with Mai's own burning red cheeks; as the whole moment seemed to sink in.

Did she just get engaged?

He proposed just now, right?

Was this actually Hibari Kyoya?

His hand didn't let go of her own, and for a good minute, they were just staring at each other; then, Hibari drew her hand back, causing her to get pulled towards him. During her little fall, he'd placed a hand on her hip and connected their lips.

He pulled back shortly afterwards, keeping their faces close, however. He looked her straight in the eye with the same burning ferocity she remembered.

"There's one more thing." He began in a low voice, seeming to be a little hesitant. "I'll be leaving Namimori for a while for the sake of my investigations."

"Is it okay for me to come along?" She peered up into his cool eyes, that reflected, not lust, but longing and hope.

"I want you to." If Kusakabe could hear this, he'd probably be wondering where all this amour comes from, compared to Hibari from a week ago.

She wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her head into his shoulder, "I would probably end up following you anyway." Mai mumbled, knowing that, although she didn't word it the same, she prefers being by his side; most of the time, not during fights or if he's on an important job or something. But denying that she got horribly lonely? She wasn't going to do that, because it was pretty obvious that she did, she wore her heart on her sleeve after all.

"Having a weak herbivore following me around would get annoying." There goes the warm atmosphere, broken by a deadpan. 

"Is that really what you should be saying to someone who willingly agreed to marry you?" Mai muttered blankly, letting go of him and turning back to watch the sakura - trying her hardest to hide her smile.

"What do you mean by willingly." He scowled, glaring at her slightly. Now that she had grown up and matured, he found her speaking back and teasing him more than before; which was rarer than once a month back in middle school. Not that he didn't like that she'd grown out of being timid at every second, which was cute back then, still is; since there were still the, actually quite common, times when she'd grow reserved and shy. 

Her tiny grin turned into a poker face as she ran through different scenarios in her head of Hibari with other women, all with varying personalities. Some were funny but some made her kind of jealous. "What woman in her right mind would marry you?" It was a reasonable question, because a normal one probably wouldn't last a week. 

"You just insulted yourself as well you know." He huffed bemusedly. Still giving her a dirty look, but taking time to watch the blossoms as well. 

"I was trying to be kind and you ruined the moment, it's only fair." This was 100% revenge from  being left alone for a month. It unconsciously just latched itself onto her words, sarcasm that is.

"You were much more docile in middle school..." He sighed reminiscently, like it was a problem that they could hold a full conversation without her spluttering over her words. He was being so petty, not that she wasn't. 

"You can't say that you miss my shyness..." Mai pouted, thinking back on it, she found most of that time far too embarrassing and cringy. Her shyness was such an obstacle back then, she was clumsy and it was... it was a trainwreck. 

"Can't say that I don't." He was in for a nostalgic treat later on then. 

Problem was, she couldn't exactly say she missed his suicidal fight-crazy middle school self, because it was way too scary sometimes. He'd show up covered in blood, or he'd just run off and beat up some yakuza group, it was pretty bad for her heart. She'd be tending to his wounds every week, red faced and almost fainting, and all he could think of was fighting people! Not that she hated it, she hid it, but she loved it. Well, the fact that he had no self preservation was the scariest part; back then, she was scared that he'd end up getting himself killed because he thinks that even though there's a gun to his head, if he can 'bite to death' a couple of thugs, he'll come out alive. Thankfully, that did not happen. 

He was smirking at her now, knowing that she wouldn't be able to say the same thing back; and that didn't insult him either apparently. 

She literally had no retort. While it pissed her off on the one hand, it had her a little happy on the other; since he had no faults anymore. Well, in the terms of -not sure whether he'll get killed if I let him go out tonight- kind of thing. 

So she pushed her 16 year old reenactment up, "W-Well it's just because you're less reckless now! You wo... You w-worried me a lot back then... you know..." Averting her eyes, blushing bright red, she had it on point.

"Wao, you're doing that here?" He placed a gentle hand on her waist and another on her cheek, forcing her to look at him. 

Her flushed face reached her ears, "Wha-!" This time wasn't even an act. "You're not..." 

As his face got steadily closer, a smirk slowly rising to his lips, Mai was getting ready to bolt, "It's more attractive than I thought, should I try?" 

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear God please save her. 

this went somewhere quite quick, ill write the 5YLHibari's impression of 5YPHibari in the extra book

it doesnt end in bed fyi 

(Edit probs like 6 months after finishing this, actually more like almost a year, ;+ I regret everything and oh boy i hope i can write better now... other news ill probs be publishing all the prewritten extras i havent proofread sometime soon too so yay))

Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - The Fate of Ai {Hibari Kyoya X OC}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu