Stranger Love - Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

"Look, you're bleeding and might be concussed. It's a fucking pain in my neck but if you die at home your Mom is gonna blame me," Billy started walking them to his car.

"You didn't crash my car," She pointed out, sliding into the passenger seat. Billy quickly hopped into the driver's side, starting the engine.

"Just do me a favour and try not to piss me off. I know it's difficult for you," He sped off into the night. Anya leant her head back and closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than to curl up into bed and go to sleep. Billy's hand was suddenly tapping her face and she opened her eyes in annoyance. "You need to stay awake!"

Anya groaned. "But I want to sleep,"

"You just crashed your car and hit your head. If you go to sleep you might not fucking wake up," Billy cupped her chin in his hand, looking at her sharply. "Stay.awake." He let her go and rested his hand on the wheel.

"Alright! Since when did you become a doctor?"

"It's basic stuff you idiot,"

"Mom is going to kill car is wrecked..." Anya knew she should just be grateful she was in one piece, but her Mom really would kill her. And what the hell was that thing she had seen in the forest? "There was a really weird animal in the forest."

Billy's expression would have been comical, if not for the situation. She continued regardless, her head still whirling. "It looked like an alien. It had loads of teeth and I swear it was going to attack me,"

"Shit. You definitely hit your head." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.

"I am serious, it was like nothing I have ever seen before,"

"Anya, you crashed your car, hit your head and started seeing things. You did not see a freakin' alien creature,"

She huffed. "I know what I saw."

The drive to the hospital was quiet after that. Anya staggered from the blue vehicle, thinking she would have to struggle up to the doors by herself, when Billy wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Again, she was surprised. She thought he would drop her there and drive off into the night.

"Oh lordy, what happened here?" The receptionist asked in concern.

"She crashed her car," Billy said evenly, though looked extremely impatient.

"You guys been drinking?"

"No, we haven't been fucking drinking. She needs a doctor, are you going to get one or do I have to tear around this hospital to find one?" His tone was dangerous and commanding. The receptionist, with her perfectly back combed blond curls and long red nails, looked at him in fright and offense.

"There is no need for language. Take a seat and someone will be out shortly," She said through gritted teeth.

"Stupid bitch." Billy muttered as he led Anya to the waiting room, which was empty. The walls were gleaming white and looked freshly painted, but the floor still didn't seem to want to stay still for her. Sitting down, Anya put her head between her knees with a groan.

"What were you doing out so late anyway?" Billy asked after a few minutes of silence. Anya sat herself up slowly, meeting his gaze.

"I was working at the diner."

"You do that every night?"


Billy pulled a face. "Why?"

"Because it was my Dad's and because I want to," Anya did not feel comfortable talking about her father with anyone, especially Billy Hargrove. It was too painful.

Stranger Love [Billy Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now