1. not even the first 10 minutes of school

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omg!! my 3rd story. well actually my 4th but i deleted 1 of them. oh well... anyways hope u guys enjoy!!!



chapter 1: not even the first 10 minutes of school

(Maxine's POV)

i woke up from my wonderful dream. i was in school in Merry Christine and finally i was the most popular. i was in the above average group in middle school. nothing at all snotty. i called my friends to see if they're awake. we planned on getting to school early. we were going to do our welcome back pranks on the guys. before middle school i used to hate boys. now not so much. but i always do it. everyone from Carl Stuart Middle School knows that.

"omg are you awake!" i screamed into the phone.

"its only 5:15 in the morning" yawned Amy. my absolute bestest friend.

"omg its 5:15!! were suppose to be there by 6:00!! i'll get ready meet you at my house at 5:45!" she said

we hung up. i decided to wear my favorite outfit. green and yellow striped mini dress and short black legging with green converse.

as soon as i got to her house she ran outside the door. we got to school and planned our trap. this year it was going to be water balloons. we'd have 3 targets. and we'd do the same thing to everyone. only like a 10th of the 10th graders were new so we didnt really have a problem. we decided to get the people we didnt know so they'd get used to us faster.

1st target:

a fairly good looking guy was walking towards the school with a big roll or duct tape. we didnt know why. i took the first shot. it aimed right below his stomach. the place where it hurts the most to boys.he yelped in pain. he say Amy. he was coming closer then since it was my turn i spoke up.

"good day to you sir. hows your day at Merry Christine High?" i said in a fake polite voice.

"What the F*ck! you'd better explain this to me right now or i'll" he said

i cut him off

"what i can explain is that you were so scared at meeting my best friend you peed in you pants." i said.

it was good timing cuz i saw a group of boys that i pranked last year using cheese spray. they laughed.

"way to go Maxie!" Jason, the leader of their group called.

they each gave me high. the guy who i pranked stared at me blankly.

"this here is the way me and my friend express the first day of school. you get used to it." i explained.

"well my name is Zach. and who's your friend over there?" i knew it. he was interested in my BFF. like always.

"my names Amy." Amy replied. she blushed. ugh not this again!

"c'mon Amy we still gotta prank more people."i said.

i did not want to see her kissing him on the first day of school.

Victim 2:

there was this HOT guy walking down the parking lot. Amy launched the water balloon into action and it hit this guy in the spot too.

he spotted me instead on Amy this time.

"hey i was wondering if you were free tonight." he asked me.

he was obviously those sluts. they pretend to be in love. they f*ck you. then they break up. not like i have dated a slut before. im still virgin. Amy dated one though. thats how i know.

"oh really.." i put on my fake interested voice.

"yeah" he said.

"well first i gotta show you something."

i dumped my spare bucket of water on his head.

"yea thats what i thought.!" i yelled.

i went back into my hiding place in the bushes .now for the last person.

3rd target:

i saw this black haired boy coming along. i could tell he was above average like me. i shot the last water balloon. again it hit him in the spot. he didnt yelp in pain. this one's eyes just watered.

"hi and welcome to your world of doom" i said sweetly.

he was cute. maybe im gonna get my 3rd boyfriend.

"hi i'm Matt. and what do you mean by world of doom?"

strange. he was playing along. very strange.

"i mean this." i said politely.

i used my extra water balloon and threw it as hard as possible at "that part".

"you have a strong arm. no wonder my cousin talks about you so much." he said as he started sliding to the ground.

i helped him up. i didnt want to be THAT mean to him.

"are you okay? wait never mind course your not." i smirked.

"i guess i should have been more careful. don't mess with the queen of pranks." he smirked back.

"who is your cousin anyway?" i asked


Natalie was my other best friend.

"see you around." he smiled.

"yea see you." i said.

OMG. im falling for my bestie's cousin. i wonder how she'll take it. this is soo not good. not good at all.

i cant believe i fell for him in not even the first 10 minutes of school. i think its my new record.


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Lovers, 2 timers, oh yea and the annoying high school slut -ON HOLD!!Where stories live. Discover now