Chapter 21.

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I felt buzzing going off on the nightstand right next to me. I opened my eyes, half awake and grabbed my phone. The bright screen blinding me making me squint my eyes.

*Unknown number: you up for today?

*Polly: why don't you come to school anymore. I feel like you think you're too good for me ever since that Alex chick came along.

*Cole: hey girl, we never talked since we was at the club. How you been?

I instantly knew it was Danny and saved his number and texted him 'sure'. I replied to Polly.

Me: Polly, I'm out of school because I'm on a family vacation, and Alex has nothing to do with this! Alex is everything but a bad influence.

Polly: why isn't Alex at school either then, I feel like you guys are ditching class together.

Me: ask her for yourself then.

Polly: I don't have her number???

Me: then that's too bad.

Then I went to Coles chat.

Me: I am so so sooo sorry Cole I've been so busy. Me and Matt got out but he put me back in to another organization that's suppose to be good and I have to get rid of some mad people who are out to get me!! It's so stressful and me and Alex are on the verge to freaking out! Plus someone left a baby that we had to take under our wings! Then I got tired of it and asked Matt to get me out of the organization but then he told me I have a long lost brother name Danny that I'm gonna hang out with TODAY! And so speaking of Matt I'm gonna talk to him again about kicking me out.

Cole: WOW GIRL! That was a lot to take in, omg! I'm so sorry that happen to you! But when you're done hanging out with your brother come over sometime and we can hang out! And I didn't know you still hangout with Alex.

Me: ikr!? And yea me and Alex hangout. She's now my girlfriend and I love her so much! But the only thing that happened is that... her mom died and so now she's moved in with me. Don't get me wrong I love her living with me but I feel so sad that her mom died cause Ik what she's going through! But she's slowly processing and I'm grateful.

Cole: you and Alex are DATING!? WOW I missed a lot of shit! And I'm so sorry about Alex's mom... anyways speaking of the baby what's it's name?

Me: you did miss a lot of shit but it's okay. His name is Cal.

Cole: that's so sweet to name it after your brother.

Me: yeaa.. anyways I gotta go wake up Alex and feed the baby then get ready... wow this feels like I'm married and.. wow.

Cole: I hope you and Alex do get married, you are basically a family now.

Me: you're the uncle.

Cole: YAY!  That just made my day!

Me: haha! Okay goodbye uncle Cole.

Cole: Goodbye Love!

I laughed and turned off my phone.

"Whats so funny." Alex murmured and I jumped up in surprise.

"Oh, Cole and I were just texting and I told him that he was the uncle, then he got really exited." I said chuckling, she also laughed.

I got up and went to go to the bathroom to get dressed and so did Alex. Then we bathed the baby and put our clothes on.

"So how do you still feel about school?" I asked. I don't know if she still wants to finish and go to college or changed her mind.

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