Chapter 9.

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"Alex." I whispered. I see her on the floor blood pooling around her, with Matthew and Cole  tied up next to her unconscious body, with wide frightened eyes.

I tried to move but I'm tied up too. I hear someone whispering my name and it sounds like Cal, but I'm too focused on Alex.

"Alex." I said a little louder.

"Alex!" I heard a soft groan, she must've gain a little bit of consciousness.

She was slowly moving but then another gun shot put her down. She's dead. Matthew and Cole started panicking.

"No!" I screamed.

"You will come back Piper." My father said, stepping out of the darkness, with Kubra by his side.

I started crying. Until I felt someone violently shaking me.

I woke up heavily breathing, with Alex's face close to mine. I started crying, and she hugged me like the world was gonna end.

"It was just a bad dream." She cooed.

"I'm scared." I whimpered.

"It's ok, you're the most bravest person I know." She gently said. I hugged her tighter. We were watching a movie and I must've passed out on the couch.

"Where's your mom."

"She just left for work."

"Can you tell me about your dad?" I pleaded.

"What is there to know? He's a scum who walked out on me and my mom, then acts like he's a total rock star that gets wasted on drugs." She scoffed.

"Did you ever meet him?"

"Yep, it didn't turn out right, so I left crying because my dreams of finally reconnecting with my dad I never had shattered."

"Oh I'm sorry." I frowned.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Lee Burley." She muttered. I gasped, she looked at my confused.

"That's your dad!? I'm so sorry." I said feeling like crying for her.

"Do you know him?"

"Yes he's our close number one top best drug customer, I use to make trips to him." I sighed.

Her mouth formed an O and we sat in awkward silence.

"It's ok though, we all don't have to have a perfect family." I smiled at her. "No matter how hard we try." I added. She smiled back.

Her legs were up on the couch facing me, I moved one and crawled between her legs cuddling close to her. She hugged me tightly and we stayed there for a moment till the sun came down.

"Hello." What I'm assuming is Alex's mom said as she opened the door and walked into the house.

"Hi." Alex said.

"Hello." I replied.

"You must be Piper." Ms.Vause said.

"Yes Hello Ms.Vause." I smiled.

"Please, call me Diane." She said.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" She asked.

"Oh no it's getting late, I should get back." I said to Diane, she nodded.  "But I'll see you tomorrow Alex." I smiled.

She got up and walked me to the door, as I grabbed my stuff. I kissed her on the lips and we said our goodbyes.

I hailed a cab and they took me to my house. I ran to my room and set up Lexi. Once she was set up I did my usual routine and was about to prepare for what was about to go down tomorrow. I can't believe I'm in it again, after I tried so hard getting out.

I wanted to cry, scream, break something. I wanted to call Alex, or even talk to Cal. I miss him, he was there for me when I needed him. Then talk about bad timing, I get a text from Matthew saying good luck to me, which made me even more mad. I wanted to say fuck you or I'm done, but I couldn't. Instead I ignored it and went to sleep.


The next morning. I woke up, got dressed, and did my usual daily routine. I wore ripped jeans, and a flannel shirt, then I wore my technology glasses and activated it.

Once I was dressed I was too sick to eat anything so I went to school with an empty stomach.

When I enter the school I greeted Alex first thing because she makes me feel sane. I hugged her like it would be the end and she soothed me.

"I'm so scared." I whispered, afraid of breaking down into tears.

"Come on Pipes, be brave for me. It's nothing you haven't do." She whispered back in response.

"You're right, I'll be brave.. for you." I softly smiled, and she did the same thing in return.

I saw the guy who asked me out before, and my glasses went off. It showed a red barrier around his face and all the information showing how he's a bad guy. His name is James Jefferson. I gasped, and covered it with a smile. He smiled back. Alex turned around and saw me smiling at him and looked back at me in disbelief. Once he was out of perspective I grabbed Alex's hand and brought her upstairs.

"Alex holy fuck, Alex!"

"What!?" She said in confusion.

"He's one of the bad guys, the one who asked me out." I said worriedly.

"What are you going to do!?"

"Call Matt."

And that's what I did.


"What's his name."

"James Jefferson."

"Oh, his intentions were to destroy you after the date, so you're going to have to destroy him before."

"I have to go on a date with him!?"

"Yes! Tell me how it goes." He said then hung up.

I froze with the phone still to my face. Then I turned to Alex with my mouth wide open. I put my phone in my pocket, trying to find the words to speak. Once I did, Alex was pissed.

"I have to go on a date with him."

"What!?" She yelled.

"Shhh!! Just for the night!" She still looked mad.

"Please, it's for my job." I frowned, but she was still mad. "Please? I don't want anything bad happening to you, I need you!" I pleaded. She sighed.


"Thank you, wish me luck cause I'm going to tell him right now that I made up my mind." I kissed her on the lips and she whispered a goodbye.

I walked to where James is and once I found him I told him that I'm down for that date. He grinned the most evilest grin thinking I wouldn't notice the difference.

"Great! See you tonight." He kissed my cheek.

"See you tonight." I whispered.

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