Chapter 15.

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Alex and I woke up tangled into each other as the light shined through the window. Our alarm clock slowly woke us up from our peaceful dream, that kind of made us forget that we were living the life we were living now.

I sat up with my hair looking like a complete mess while Alex quickly went back to sleep. I untangled myself from her gently and got up to take a shower. I did my morning routine and then I woke Alex up so she can get ready too.

We made breakfast and walked to school until we heard crying. It was a baby's cry. I looked at Alex confused and she looked at me the same. It was coming from the bushes. I slowly went to the bush and moved some of the branches to see that there was a baby in a basket and blankets keeping it warm.

I slowly picked up the basket gently and see that there's a note inside. The note read;

"If you're reading this then you've found my baby. I can not take him into my home because he wasn't planned, and I can't take care of him in the state I am right now. If you are wondering how long this baby has been here, I've put him out here since eight o'clock and left."

It was eight twelve so it wasn't long before the baby was out here. I continued reading.

"Please take care of my baby, I don't want him to end up like me a drug addict. I can barely keep food on the table, and I'm always out doing crazy stupid shit then getting myself into more problems. Tell my baby I love him and I wish he has the best. I'm praying he's in the right hands."

When I was finished my mouth was hanging open, and I was staring at it like it was from another world or something. Alex looked over my shoulder to read it.

"What the fuck!? Couldn't she put him up for adoption!?" She questioned. I shrugged.

I looked at it and the baby was still crying. I removed the blanket and took him into my arms.

"What's his name." Asked Alex.

"I don't know, I guess we can pick."

"We!? You're telling me we're taking care of him!?" Alex asked in disbelief. I wouldn't blame her we already had enough problems.

"Pipes, we are in high school fighting bad guys while people we care for vanish before our eyes. We can not take care of a baby right now."

I sighed.

"Yes Alex, I know. I'll call Matthew to meet us at the school and he'll take care of it okay?"

She nodded in agreement while we started walking to school with a crying infant in our hands. I've texted Matthew to meet us at the school and he gladly accepted. I didn't tell him about the baby but I didn't care, he still owed us big time.

When we reached school grounds I saw Matthew and handed him the infant.

"What the fuck!? What is this!?" He shrieked as I handed him the crying monster.

"It's a baby, take him to your home and feed him, here's twenty bucks get some baby supplies." I handed him a twenty dollar bill and he slowly accepted.

"That's what you call me here for!?"

I nodded. I started explaining what happened and he groaned in frustration.

"Good luck." I fixed my glasses so it rested
properly on my nose and smiled as me and Alex walked inside the school.

"You know, if my mom was alive she would never approve of me dating a female." I said and smiled at Alex.

"Well good thing no one is around to stop us." She said smiling back at me weakly.

"Hey." I said.

"I like you a lot, and I'll do anything that's possible to make you happy." I said to Alex, putting my hands gently on her cheeks.

Then she smiled, a real smile. I kissed her carefully on the lips as if I'll break her and separated as we walked hand in hand to our lockers.

I got my books out and walked to Alex's locker and took her to her class. Then I walked to my class and everyone looked at me.

"Well, you finally came to class." Said the teacher.

"Nice observation." I smiled.

I took a seat blocking out all the sounds that were coming out of his mouth.

"You missed a lot so try to catch up." The teacher said to me and smiled deviously like he knew that I was gonna fail.

But I wasn't. The teacher made an error and I happily corrected him. The look on his face was priceless.

"I'm caught up." I smirked. The bell ranged and I walked out.

I ran into Larry and the halls were cleared. He smirked deviously and I punched him in the face so hard that he blacked out. I called Matthew.

"Hello!?" He shouted through the crazy crying baby.

"What the hell!? That thing is still crying!?"

"I fed it and now I have to change the diaper!"

"Well can you please come to the school I punched Larry in the face, and now I need you interrogate him."

"Oh my- what the hell Piper!?" He yelled.

"The glasses said he was bad."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming."

"Just remember it's your fault."

"Thanks for that!" He whispered shouted because he finally made the baby stop crying. He probably put him to sleep.

I sat in the hallway for a few minutes. Larry started gaining consciousness but I blacked him out again. Two shadows came by me and I looked up to see Alex and Matt.

"We were looking for you." Alex said.

"Here I am." I smiled.

Matthew took out a needle and shot something in his veins then dragged his body away. I sighed.

"Today is a long ass day, should've stayed home." I frowned.

"Even though I love staying at home with you, I'm not smart as you so I gotta come here." She smiled.

"I wanna go to college, and you're smart enough to go to college so if you want you can apply to where I'm applying." She said with so much hope.

"I'll think about it." I smiled back and winked at her as we walked to lunch.

"Well, well, well." Said Polly

Oh my god. I rolled my eyes.

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