Chapter 2

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Since its my birthday and i am very happy that this book got a lot of comments viewers and votes in just a few hours after i publish it so here the second chapt :)

“I guess so mom. Its not like I never been alone before.” I said.

My family and I are having dinner. The table was silent until my mother broke the silence and announced her and father will go on a vacation to Australia for three months. I honestly don’t understand why my parents wants to go there for such a long time. However I hope I don’t get anymore siblings after this. If you know what I mean.

“Oh dear, you will not be alone,” She reassures me. “Jin Woo and Hanuel are with you.” “I know,” I started. “But they’re rarely home. Hanuel and Jin Woo are always at their friend’s house and spend the night there as always mom.”

“I will ask them to stay home. If they don’t, they will know what I will do to them. My father Namjoon said. “They have to protect their sister.” He then added.

I roll my eyes at this. “Jin Woo is younger than me. So doesn’t that mean I’m the one that should be protecting him?” I ask.

“Enough, so how’s school?” Mom asks changing the subject.

“Fine.” I simply stated. They don’t have to know about the creepy letters.

“Good.” Mom then says.


“Wow! Your parents are always away. We can throw a party!” Exclaimed Eva.

“No can do. My brothers wouldn’t like it.” I said. Eva is always being a bitch. But I love her anyway.

“Alright alright. So, tell me, did you get another creepy letter?” She asks me in a serious tone.

“Yeah, but this time it seems more scary honestly.” I told her as I reveal today’s letter.

You will be mine soon. I really can’t wait.

“Okay, that’s really crazy.” Eva commented after she read the letter.

“I know right? Why can’t this guy just reveal himself rather than being a creepy guy that sends me these freaky letters.” I said annoyedly.

“Hey Seohyun.” MinHee my classmate suddenly stands in front of me.

Although he’s tall and handsome I look at him as a friend. He also happens to be very smart and so he occasionally helps me with my homework.

That’s really why I like being his friend.

However Eva on the other hand always claimed he has feelings for me.

“Yes MinHee, how can I help you?”

“I just want to talk to you. Let’s go for coffee? After school?” He asks.

Rather than giving him a response, I just simply nod my head. Why not? There’s no harm in doing that.

“Yeah, sure.”

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Psycho Boyfriend 2✔ (JHope BTS) [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang