Mad as a Hatter Chapter 7

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Once again I walked home with so many unanswered questions.

"I'm so sick of being left with unanswered questions! How hard is it to just explain what's been happening?" Max looked up at me and let out a quiet bark.

"I'm so sick of that damn cat and Josh! He's so arrogant and cocky and the cat isn't any better! Why can't they give a straight answer? Josh just hides behind those annoyingly stupid phrases!" Max started barking loudly, as if agreeing with me. I had to get rid of some of my frustration and anger so Max and I ran laps for a while.

Finally collapsing on the grassy park oval, both of us out of breath I felt a lot better. Max rolled over and gently nudged me.

"At least I have you boy," I happily sang as I pat him on the head, causing him to vigorously wag his tail. After laying on the oval for a while I decided to go home.

I didn't expect to find my parents had arrived home, and I was right. I lead Max out to his kennel and filled up his water and food dish. I walked inside and stomped up the stairs. I went to the kitchen and waltzed straight to the fridge, searching for something to put my growling stomach to rest. Settling with the last strawberry yoghurt I shuffled along the hallway towards my room, but stopping halfway to inspect the place where I had fallen the previous night. I focused on finding something I could have tripped on, but finding nothing. I decided not to look too far into it, I mean weirder things have happen the past few days, why worry about one little fall? Once I reached my room I plonked myself down on my bed still eating away at my yoghurt. I reached for my laptop and decided to check my emails. No new messages, not unusual. I got up and looked in my full body mirror, I looked like a mess. I went to my wardrobe and picked out another outfit. I went with a pair of dark denim shorts and a simple yellow tee. I threw my muddy clothes into the clothes hamper and brushed the leaves from my hair. I hadn't the slightest idea what to do now. I sat back on my bed for a few minutes staring pout my window. I finally decided I'd go down stairs to the lounge room and put on a movie. Feeling pretty energetic I danced down the hallway to the staircase, singing into my spoon. As I reached the staircase I felt a slight tug on the carpet. I quickly turned to inspect what could have caused the slight pull. At the far end of the hallway I noticed what seemed to be water leading into my bedroom. Stomping once again towards my bedroom I curiously peered around the corner. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, everything was where I had left it, the only exception being my window, which was now open. Did I open it before? I thought back to when I had first arrived home and ran into my room. I couldn't remember if I had opened it or not. I walked over and as I went to pull the window closed a familiar face popped its head up, the black cat.

"I'm starting to get used to your visits, little 'kitty'," He gave me an aggravated look; I knew using the word 'kitty' would do that. He jumped from the windowsill to my bed and as he did I closed the window, remembering last time when he decided to run out onto the road.

"Well I did have to see that you returned home safely, didn't I? And I prefer to go by the name Lucifer" he grinned.

"Well since it was your fault I tripped into the shrub, yes you did, Lucifer." I sat on the end of my bed and pet him on the head, causing him to purr.

"You wouldn't happen to be the one pulling on the carpet every time I walk by, would you?" I questioned. He continued to purr loudly, ignoring my question.

"Not going to answer are you?" he looked up at me and gave me his usual cheeky grin.

"Fine, wanna tell me where you can from? Or why Josh disappears?" I had stopped patting him, and I wasn't going to if he wasn't going to answer my questions. He stopped purring and looked up at me with his big golden eyes.

"Now, now I told you if you want the right answers ask the right questions."

"I don't know how else to phrase it. Why can't you just give me a straight answer?" I was beginning to get aggravated.

"Your not thinking about it, things are not always as they seem. Instead of re-wording the questions, ask a totally different one." I thought about what he said then decided to ask about the carpet again and maybe if I could get Lucifer to answer that I could as more important questions.

"Ok... has the pulling on the carpet been used to show me something I'm not seeing? Hows that?"

"Very good," he said with a pleasant grin, "Yes in fact there I something hidden in your hallway, I have just been trying to get you to open your eyes to it."

"So it was you!"

"Didn't I just answer that?" he said with another one of his signature grins as he bounced off the bed and out of the room.

"Lucifer, wait!" I called chasing after him. As I ran out of my room I caught a glimpse of Lucifer heading down the stairs.

"Come back!" I shouted as I stumbled down the stairs. Lucifer was sitting at the front door.

"Seems you have a guest."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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