I sighed and shook my head.  Funny how things turned out. Paxton did a cute little dance to the song , which took my mind off of... him. I started to laugh quietly at the dancing baby, before his voice started up again.

"You know, I do miss the guy that songs about..." He said and I made a pft noise, making Paxton laugh. "I made a big mistake and I wish I could have him back, but I don't think he wants me back." He said, his voice was steady but i'd you knew him, you'd be able to hear the undertone of sadness.

"Hell no I don't." I muttered, rubbing soap into my baby's hair. I was lucky he didn't hear me curse as he was too busy playing with his rubber duck's. A couple more songs played through as I finished washing him and allowed him to play for a couple minutes.

I heard my phone buzz from the toddlers room, but I left it alone knowing I shouldn't leave Pax in the tub without supervision. I listened to him babble along to the beat of a song that sounded like he made up... He had a musical gene, and I figured he'd do something with it in the future.

"Alright Pumpkin time to get pjs on and eat dinner." I said getting a towel out of the cabinet.

"Piza!" He said smiling and raising his tiny fist.

"Not tonight pumpkin, I made spaghetti." I smiled as his face lit up and he clapped.

I lifted him out of the warm soapy water and wrapped him in the soft pale yellow towel. "You want your footies baby?" I asked him opening the drawers.

"Yeah!" He giggled.

"Pick a pair and then we'll put them on." I smiled, laughing a little. He looked so concentrated on trying to figure out if he wanted the blue pair with ducks on them, the red pair with the race cars, or the lion. "Pick a pair Pax so we can go have dinner." I said switching him to my other hip.

"I finking!" He said, putting his tiny hand to his chin. I chuckled as he looked at the pajamas in the drawer. "I not know!" He finally cried out, his head flopping down on my shoulder.

"You want me to pick pumpkin?" I chuckled. He nodded letting out a sigh in defeat. I smiled rolling my eyes picking up the blue duck pair because those were my favorite on him.

With a fresh diaper and some pajamas, we headed back downstairs "I ducky dada!" He giggled kicking his feet.

"Yes you are a ducky!" I smiled. He began making duck sounds as I buckled him into his high chair, making me smile. I loved this boy more then life itself.

"Ducky!" Paxton sung kicking his feet and pulling on his hood

My phone buzzed again, but once again I ignored it to make my hungry toddler some dinner. Whoever it was could wait. I made Paxton a bowl of noodles with butter, since the little booger was picky and didn't like sauce, before I made myself a plate.

"When Ashy come over?" Paxton questioned as I brought him his food.

Asher...My best friend and The first to know about Paxton... Ash was like another son to my mother and an uncle to my son. He was always at our house when we were growing up and we stayed friends all throughout the roughest points in our lives. Now he just randomly shows up at my house at crazy and irrelevant times, eats all the food and my fridge and brings things Paxton shouldn't have.

"I don't know pumpkin" I said sitting down in the chair next to him. "I'm sure you'll see him-"

I was interrupted when the grey garage door came flying open, revealing the one and only Asher. "We were just talking about you." I smiled as he waltzed in.

"I'm flattered." He smiled running his hands through his blonde hair and making his way towards the happily giggling child.

"Ashy!!" Pax shouted, clapping his hands together.

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