Chapter 14

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“Do you really think he was murdered?” I asked Hunter and he looked at me wordlessly.

“Sweetheart I don’t know honestly what to tell you. It’s possible, but I don’t want you going to try and find the person.”

“He might hurt you though,” I shot back.

“Better me than you,” he whispers and I shook my head.

“No. He’ll kill you.”

“We don’t know that, but I’ll sacrifice myself again if it meant you living.”

I didn’t want to break down again so I bit my tongue. ‘Of course he would sacrifice himself. But I haven’t even done that for him so we aren’t even.’ I decided in my head.

“Stop thinking,” Hunter said kissing my cheek.

“Sorry,” I mumble staring at the posters all over his bedroom wall.

“What were you thinking about?” he asked gently and I blushed.

“Stuff,” I said and Hunter grinned, “What kind of stuff?”

“Just stuff,” I said blandly, indicating I was not going to let him in on my secret inner thoughts. At least for tonight that is.

“You’ll tell me eventually,” he trailed and I raised my eyebrows saying, “Oh really?”

“Yep,” he said winking and I sat up.

“Well I need to go see Shay and my parents so that they know I made it home in one piece.”

“I’ll go with you,” he said and drove me home.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Cameron we found some information on your dad,” Kyle said.

“Did he die?”

“He was murdered Cameron,” he said and showed me the file that held little information.

I stared at the papers letting the words flow through me.

Jake Haney, age 31. ‘6”1”. 217 pounds, was shot in the leg and stabbed repeatedly. Last seen in his office and body was found in an alleyway around six hours after.

There were pictures of his body and I forced myself to look at them. His pale skin was almost an ivory color, contrasting with his ebony hair. The pictures began to engrain themselves in my brain and I prayed I wouldn’t lose the sliver or memories I still had. Hunter took the pictures away and I stared vacantly into space.

“Cameron,” Kyle began and I started sobbing.

Hunter rubbed my back soothingly as I buried my head into his shoulder. The others got up and left so I could be alone with him.

“Cameron,” Hunter said softly and I forced myself to look at him. “Tell me what I can do to make you feel better. I’ll do anything,” and I knew he meant what he was saying as well.

In my head I was thinking of what he could do and I blocked out any thoughts of what would be considered taking advantage of the situation. When I finally had a clear mind and was sure I wouldn’t say something stupid I said, “Just hold me for now.”

Hunter pulled me closer to him on the couch and I laid my head in his lap.

“Hunter?” I asked as he kissed my hand tenderly.


“Will you help me find the person who killed my dad?”

Hunter was quiet for awhile and I looked up at him to make sure he had heard me correctly.

“Yes of course I will help you Cam.”

I smiled a thanks and let my mind wander into sleep mode and tried not to worry about what we would find.

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