Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Chelsea Brewer

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of Renegade and wanted to know what you think. I'm editing the rest of it before I put it on here, but wanted some input. This is my favorite book that I'm working on. (:


“Cameron, get down here this instant!” Deborah yelled from the staircase.

“What now?” I asked Duke, my Doberman puppy and then added, “Coming!” as I bounded down the stairs two at a time and stopped. Deborah, my mom and Mason, my stepdad were dressed elegantly as I saw they were about to leave again.

“We’re going out and if you try anything stupid… Be prepared to face consequences,” Deborah threatened.

I rolled my eyes when they weren’t looking and stood up straighter as she glared at me.

“I saw that young lady, now don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me down hard to the floor. I felt defenseless but knew that’s what they were going for. I kept my face blank as she grabbed a fist full of my hair and pulled hard. She did not get a reaction out of me like she wanted and continued to pull and hit me.

Mason either was impatient on wanting to go to wherever they were going, or was not wanting to see me hurt. He touched Deborah’s elbow and said, “Darling it’s time to go.”

They retreated out the door and I watched them get into the car and drive off. My head was sore and my back hurt a little from the beating. But since it was regular I could not really feel too much of the pain. I immediately checked all the doors and windows to see what was unlocked and found they had missed a window.

“Bingo!” I whispered and grabbed Duke along with my knapsack as we ran to Shay’s house. I found a pebble and threw it at her window to get her attention. She appeared moments later and ran downstairs to unlock the door.

“Are you out for good?” Shay asked me as I came in.

“Yep,” I said and Shay gave Duke some food as I laid my knapsack down. Shay had been my friend since birth and she was basically my sister. We told each other everything and never before had I ever officially run to her house. Her parents knew the situation and what was at hand, so it was no surprise when I would show up for dinner at random times or ask if I could spend the night. This time was different though. After countless days of being degraded and abused I had had it. This was my only opportunity to escape and I had planned it out accordingly. Being only fourteen nearly fifteen didn’t make it much better.

I guess I should start from the beginning so you’re not lost. My real dad, Henry, died when I was three. Deborah, my mom remarried instantly and I became afraid. Mason never harmed me, but it was Deborah and her other “male friends” who did. Ever since I was seven, I think, I would remember getting abused for who knows what and hiding in my room until Deborah or her friends were too drunk to get up and harm me anymore. I had told Shay and her parents but begged them never to make a report until the day I arrive at their house and say I wasn’t returning. The plan was to adopt me and I was hoping it would still be that way.

“Are you sure you’re parents are still okay with this?” I asked Shay as we lay on the couch.

“Cam,” she said using my nickname, “I know they’ll take you in. Besides we’re basically sisters.”

Duke lay down next to me as we sat around and waited for her parents to come home from work.

About half an hour later the door opened and Kyle, Shay’s dad entered. Duke had run to greet him, so Kyle didn’t need to ask if I was here or not.

“Hello Cameron,” he said coming in and I hugged him like I always did when I came over.

“Hello Mr. Madison.”

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