Chapter 2

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Hunter met me at my door the next morning a few minutes before eight and I had him stretch before we went running. We ended up running towards the park and walked around for a while to just enjoy being the only ones there this early.

"So what do you want to do once you're out of high school?" he asked me.

"I'm really interested in photography or modeling," I said pulling my camera out and showed Hunter many of my pictures.

"Fascinating, you're really good. Do you carry your camera everywhere?"

"Yep in case I see something that catches my attention," I said winking at Hunter and snapped a picture.

"Hey," Hunter said reaching for me and I screamed as he held me and I held onto my camera.

"I wasn't ready." He protested with a grin.

"Oh believe me, you were." I looked at the picture with him and I said, "Very photogenic."

"Alright," Hunter said and grabbed my camera as he took a picture of me and then one of the both of us.

"What do you want to do?" I asked him as we kept walking.

"Not sure, I'm really into acting so maybe becoming an actor."

We finished running and went to his house to clean up. He went around back with me and got a hose and towels. I gave him a look like really and he sprayed me with the hose as I ran and Duke barked and tried to drink the water. Hunter and I laughed as he wagged his tail when Hunter aimed it at him.

"Are your parents' home?" I asked as I dried myself off and grabbed the hose from Hunter to spray him.

"They're at work actually but you'll meet them eventually. I need to meet your new family as well," he said and I laughed as I sprayed him and he ran at me as I continued to spray him.

"Oh no," I said and dropped the hose as he tackled me gently and I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. My back was to him and he kissed my shoulder and I smiled as I turned around to meet his lips. He put his hands on my waist and I wound my arms around his neck. My cheeks were burning from excitement and I was going to be embarrassed when we broke. Hunter pulled back and I just stared back at him. He had a lot of experience and I felt stupid when we both knew that this had been my first kiss.

"What are you afraid of?" he said causally pushing my hair behind my ear.

I was instantly happy that I hadn't flinched this time but really focused on the fact that he could read me from the inside. It was surprising and I just blushed with embarrassment as Hunter waited patiently for me to respond.

"First I'm a lower classman. Second, there are plenty of pretty girls at our school who I can't compare to. Third I don't want to get hurt and don't want to disappoint you by guarding myself."

Hunter gave me a deep and long look before he said, "Well the fact that you can tell me easily what you're worried about probably helps. You shouldn't worry about other girls, they're not my type and your personality is more attractive than theirs. I could care less that you're a freshman as well and don't worry about disappointing me because you won't. I know what you're going through is tough, but I know that your guard is down more when you're around certain people."

"How do you know?" I said and I could tell he was right. I had let my guard down the minute I met him and for the first time I felt okay doing it.

"Because you feel safe, which you haven't felt for a long time," he said kissing me and he put his hands on my cheeks as I blushed again. The warmth of my cheeks counteracted his cool hands and he kept them there as I broke and I tilted my head and looked up at Duke who was staring at the two of us.

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