Chapter 4

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"Congratulations Cameron, you're on varsity swimming," Coach Wilkinson said.

"Thank you coach," I said thanking her before running out to go find Shay.

"Whoa Cam, what's up?" Shay asked as I pulled her aside and told her the unbelievable news.

"That's fantastic! Have you told Hunter yet?"

"Nope I wanted to tell you first," I said and I could tell that meant a lot to her, "plus you're my sister. I would tell my family before telling my boyfriend any day," I added and Shay hugged me before saying, "We need to celebrate tonight. I'll go call mom and dad to tell them what you told me." She walked off in the other direction with Jeremy who had seemed to appear out of nowhere.

I turned and saw Hunter's brother, Garrett, and immediately turned to pretend and act like I was following Shay.

"Hey beautiful," Garrett said walking right next to me and I tried to speed up my pace as he kept right in step.

"Garrett go away," I said focusing on walking to a less secluded area, in case he tried to get away with anything hopefully someone would notice.

"Why? Oh because you're scared and you're going to call my brother to come kick my ass? How pitiful, Cameron, you have been through worse shit than this and yet you're going to call "prince charming" to come and rescue you? Listen sweetheart," he said grabbing my wrist and I yanked hard as he held fast. If he was trying to intimidate it was working but I kept my emotions hidden and my face calm. He couldn't tell that he had scared me yet and continued with, "If you ever tell him about anything I do to you, I'll bail Brett out of jail."

"That's a meaningless threat," I said trying to call his bluff and replayed what I had just said in my head to make sure my voice hadn't quivered.

Garrett must have been able to sense that I was somewhat uneasy because he threatened, "Is it?" He pulled me to a quieter area in the school. I was tempted to yell and kick him, but my instincts were screaming inside of me that I would get harmed even more than what he was going to do with me.

I felt like a puppet being tangled up in its strings due to the puppeteer because he didn't care what happened to it, as he pulled me harder and backed me up into a corner.

"Yes now just go and piss someone else off," I said and Garrett could tell I felt vulnerable in the position he had put me in.

"Stupid response Cameron. You really need to work on making comebacks at a moment's notice." Watch his stance for now to see what he might do. I thought in my head as I watched him with flickering eyes.

"You know Cam," he said reaching into his pocket and I immediately thought I was a goner because he either had a gun or some deathly looking knife that he was about to stab me with. "If you continue to stay on my bad side... Well," he said and finished his sentence simply by pulling out a wicked looking pocket knife.

"He wouldn't would he?" I thought in my head but all I could muster up to say was, "I've had worse." Which in reality was true, but I had never been more terrified in my life because I had only met Garrett a few days ago, and no one was supposed to be terrified out of their minds about their boyfriend's brother. But this wasn't a normal circumstance. My boyfriend had a psycho brother who planned on doing who knows what and I could see it now. Some headline on a newspaper showing Garrett going to jail and Hunter committing suicide for Garrett's actions. It would be a deadly love triangle and I would be the cause of it because I didn't fight back or call for help.

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