Chapter 5

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    “What were you going to tell me earlier?” I asked Hunter as we took Duke to the park.

Hunter cleared his throat as if he were about to prepare for a speech and declared, “Garrett is in I.S.S. for two days. He’s going to be pissed when he gets back and my parents are severely grounding him. You need to be careful Cam.”

“I will. I have Duke for when you’re not here.”

Hunter didn’t look convinced and I wasn’t sure how else to assure him. He hugged me randomly and I wished this moment would never end. Hunter kissed my neck and I closed my eyes as he moved his lips to mine. These were the picture perfect memories I would love to capture forever so that when it wasn’t happening I could still remember what it felt like.

The day Garrett came back from I.S.S. I got a phone call from my sister.

“Hey Shay what’s up?”

“Cam, you can’t hang out with Hunter anymore.”

“What do you mean?” I asked putting her on speakerphone and wished this was some really early April fool’s joke or lame prank.

“A rumor is going around about you two hooking up. Mom and dad don’t know what to believe and say until they get to the bottom of this, you can’t see him.”

“What? Garrett had to have started this rumor!”

“I agree but whoever ended up really starting it is going to be really sorry,” Shay threatened and hung up.

“I’m going to kill him,” Hunter said and I shook my head because I believed that in a heartbeat he would.

“No you can’t do anything stupid. I’ll clear things up with my parents and then we’ll be able to see each other again.”

Hunter sighed, irritated that I didn’t want him to teach Garrett a lesson and he said in a defeated voice, “Okay. I need to head home I guess, see you at school.” He hugged me briefly and headed in the other direction.

“Cameron Justice Madison,” Kyle said as I entered.

“Dad I swear it’s not like true; Hunter and I would never do that,” I looked at Shay to see if she would back me up. She opened her mouth to speak along with Gwen, but Kyle said, “Who started the rumor then?”

“Garrett.” I stated and told them the whole from the moment I met him, up until him threatening me.

“Okay Cameron,” Gwen said relieved but still worried as she looked to see what the final verdict would be. Kyle looked at the three of us, and we were all begging him with our eyes. Mine were desperately pleading silently and I could see the hurt that was reflected in my eyes as he held my gaze in his eyes. We stood there not moving and I held my breath, hoping Kyle would believe me and not think that I really had hooked up with Hunter because I hadn’t.

“Dad you don’t have to worry. I’m being careful,” I whispered and Kyle looked away as he said, “We know honey, we just want to make sure your safe.”

“So does this mean I can still see Hunter?” I asked anxiously and could feel my heart pounding erratically as I waited for him to either say yes or no.

“Yes Cameron.” Kyle said and I hugged him so hard I thought I squeezed the life out of him. I was blushing and I ran upstairs to call Hunter and tell him that everything would be alright now.


“Hunter. My parents don’t believe the rumor anymore!”

“That’s great Cameron. Look can I meet you at the pool later tonight? Something’s come up and … I got to go,” he hung up abruptly and I stared at my phone.

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