Chapter 12

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"Let's go hang out tonight. To celebrate us winning; knowing that you're safe for now is relieving." Hunter said as I sat on my bed with him.

"Babe we don't have to go out," I said because being with him was good enough. He already spoiled me enough as it was I thought.

"I want too Cam," he said his voice tender.

"Alright where do you want to go?" I asked.

"I have an idea, put something... Comfortable on and pack a couple of extra clothes. We'll go on a mini trip just you and me."

I grinned and went over to my closet to pull out clothes and other items. Hunter went downstairs and all I could think was, 'we're going to Indiana!' It seemed to be the most plausible reason for a "mini-trip." My head was spinning and my emotions were racing like a roller coaster.

Hunter was waiting for me in the car as I put my duffel bag in the trunk.

"Ready?" we both said and laughed.

"I am if you are?" I said.

"Always am babe," he winked and tore out of my driveway.

The night was cool and with the top down it made the ride memorable. Hunter fiddled with the stereo and stopped when Carrie Underwood came on. I sang softly and blushed when Hunter looked at me in amazement and took my hand. When the song ended, I kissed Hunter on the cheek and started singing the next song. It was more by Usher; which was one of my favorite songs at the moment.

Hunter started singing along with me and I smiled at how our voices harmonized. His voice was deep, and mine was high. Everything about it seemed right and it amazed me how much more there was to him.

The song ended and I said, "I didn't know you had such a good voice babe."

"Thanks sweetheart, I prefer your singing though."

We sat in silence for a while and I asked, "How long will we be on the road?"

Hunter thought about it for a few seconds and said, "A few hours." The tone in his voice made him seem hesitant to answer as if I didn't want this to be happening.

"Good. The more times I get to spend with you, the better." I said hastily so that he didn't get the wrong impression.

"Enthusiasm, I like it," Hunter said pulling me closer while he drove.

I pulled back. Before I could upset him I replied, "I don't want you to be distracted."

"You're probably right, but I'm pretty good at multitasking."

"Babe you're good at everything."

"True," he said pretending to be arrogant and I put my head to my forehead as if I hadn't thought of something until just now.

"Oh Hunter, what am I going to do with you?"

"Keep me I hope." His voice reminded me of when a kid was pouting and was only doing it to get there way.

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