Chapter 13

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I helped Maya with the dinner for a little while before Hunter stole me. We went outside and I was introduced to more of his family. There was his other aunt and uncle and their three kids, one being a girl and the other two boys. I felt sorry for Veronica and Cassie. But they didn't mind being the only girls. Though they were at times tom-boys they still enjoyed girlie stuff.

Aunt Josephine and Uncle Harry were chatting with Grant as the seven of us teenagers sat outside. Cassie was petite and had dark auburn hair with blue highlights in it. It suited her well I thought. The boys, Sterling and Adam, were both similar to Justin. They both seemed to be interested when Hunter introduced me but backed off after Hunter kissed me moments later.

"Guys come on and grab food before Harry and Grant eat all of it."

We walked inside and piled food onto our plates to then sit down and listen to the chatter of many different conversations going on.

"So what story are you going to tell first tonight Uncle Grant?" Sterling and Adam asked in unison.

Grant thought long and hard and then said, "I suppose I could tell you about Jack, but I don't know if Cameron is up for it. It might be too dark." He winked at me.

I smiled wide and replied with, "Try me."

"You see," Grant started as we all huddled around a blazing campfire. "Jack was like us before he was murdered.... He was driving on his Harley motorcycle when it happened. Out of nowhere, an eighteen wheeler ran him over and didn't stop to see what they had hit. He got up slowly and drug himself to the nearest store to get help. The problem was Jack had scitzefrenia so he had possibly imagined the truck hitting him in the beginning. He trudged farther and pulled out his knife. He was going to ask someone to amputate his leg that had been run over. People started screaming as he entered town not understanding and he chased them. He killed a few people because they wouldn't stop screaming. Then an officer shot him to keep him still. Jack died instantly. His remains were burned and ashes were scattered. His spirit was still here on Earth and he haunts wooded areas commonly, asking people to help amputate his leg."

The story was eerie but I didn't understand how it was really all that scary.

"Grant tell Cam what happened," Hunter said wrapping his arm around me and I jumped slightly. He seemed to notice but was more interested in Grant finishing up on why this was a frightening tale.

Grant kept his eyes on the fire and said in a dull but haunting tone, "About a year ago I was out getting a campsite ready for the family. While I was laying down the sleeping bags I heard footsteps shuffling. Turning, there was Jack with his knife and he asked me, "Sir can you help me amputate my leg. Everyone keeps telling me it's not injured but I know it is.

Well I didn't know what to tell him so I had agreed to amputate his leg. As I brought the knife down it turned bright red and his leg was bleeding though I hadn't made contact. Jack forgot that I was amputating his leg and he thought I was killing him. He grabbed the knife from me and tried to stab me. Instead he cut my hand and I ran. Jack stood up to follow but all he did was curse at me and damn me to hell."

My mouth gaped as I saw the scar on his hand and I looked at Hunter.

"You're being serious," I whispered and they all nodded.

"Well I think it's time you kids start heading to bed," Grant said and Sterling led us into the woods to sleep.

"Boys tent and girls tent," he said blandly and looked to see if I was scared.

"I'm not afraid," I said and whispered to Hunter, "If you try anything stupid I'll get revenge on you."

"I would worry more about those guys than me," he said and kissed me quickly before retreating into his tent.

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