Around midnight I heard the wind howling outside. There was a shuffling sound and I was suddenly frozen with fear. But I remained calm and listened as it became louder. I slithered down farther into my sleeping bag and tried to drown out the noise. Surely I wasn't the only one hearing this was I? I waited a few moments and didn't hear anything. When I resurfaced, I saw Jack sitting next to me and I screamed bloody murder.

Cassie and V screamed as the boys ran in. Jack smiled and said, "I've been waiting for you Cameron. I've heard so much about you." He threw his pocketknife down next to me and disappeared.

"So what happened again?" Grant said as Hunter explained what Jack had said.

"He gave me this," I said and Grant went to wipe off blood from the knife that was most likely Jacks. Something was inscribed on it and he said, "My precious Cameron. I'll be waiting."

"What the hell does that mean? Is this some kind of sick joke? How does he know Cameron?" Adam asked and everyone shrugged while looking at me.

"I think we've had enough for the day," Maya said sparing me the awkward silence.

Hunter took me upstairs and said, "Are you okay?"

I nodded as we lay on his bed and I kept my eyes shut for fear of seeing Jack possibly behind Hunter. He held me tight and I looked at him directly as he said, "I'm sorry Cam."

"It's not your fault," I mumbled and before he could do the usual yes it is you don't deserve this I added, "It's just my life. I have some strange visitors that appear and I just haven't figured out why."

Hunter grimaced from my efforts of trying to make him feel better. A whisper echoed in my ears and I shuddered as I hid my face in Hunter's chest.

"Cameron, why are you afraid?"

"Go away," I mumbled and Hunter held me tighter as I flinched from a cold hand brushing against my back.

"Cameron, are you afraid of me? You shouldn't be. I only want to be friends. Real close friends."

"No." I spat out and sat up as I held my breath. Jack was sitting on the edge of the bed and Hunter sat still in shock.

"I don't want to hurt you."

"Is that a threat?" I challenged.

"It's whatever you want it to be."

I threw a book at him but it went right through. He just looked at me and I instantly regretted it.

"Shit," I cursed and screamed as he came at me and pulled me by my shirt. I felt something claw at my back and Hunter started yelling.

"Go away!" I yelled and Jack just looked at me with vacant eyes. Then he evaporated like mist, leaving Hunter and I sitting in silence.

I got up and pulled my top off to see marks running across my back. They were deep and it looked as if I had been attacked by a mountain lion or something.

"I'll go get the first aid kit," Hunter said and Maya along with the others streamed in to see me sitting quietly on the bed.

"Stay still. This will sting," Hunter said as he poured hydrogen peroxide on the wounds.

I cringed and heard the bubbling as I waited for them to dry and bandage. Hunter went to go explain what happened and Maya stayed with me until he returned. He welcomed me into his arms and I fell asleep fitfully and waited for dawn to arrive.

"How are you feeling?" Hunter asked the next morning. We were just laying in bed and he was staring at the ceiling.

"Better, thanks."

He nodded and I curled up next to him as he tried to avoid my bandages.

"Sorry that I'm a magnet to danger," I muttered and Hunter sighed.

"Some people just aren't that lucky with everything."

"Yep. But I'm very lucky to have you," I ended and kissed him briefly.

We all sat in silence at the breakfast table. Last night's events were still fresh on our minds. Cassie and V helped me re-bandaged my wounds and I saw they were still infected.

"What do you think he wants?" Veronica asked and I shrugged. "Who knows."

Hunter gave me a sympathetic smile and I returned it solemnly.

"So," Hunter said trying to change topics. The day was pleasant and I wanted to spend it outdoors as much as we could. Justin, Sterling, and Adam were already outside trying to convince the girls to play football.

"I'll play," I offered and Sterling smiled.

"If you can throw," Adam challenged while raising his eyebrows at me.

I took the football from his grasp and made Hunter back up. Pulling my arm back, I launched the football into a perfect spiral. Hunter caught it effortlessly and said, "That's my girl!"

Cassie gaped and said, "I guess we have no choice but to play now."

It was funny none the less. Four on three, us girls did pretty well. The only problem was every time I had the ball, Hunter tackled me and tried to kiss me. It's like he thought that by being affectionate I wouldn't be as competitive. He was wrong. It made me more determined and Justin had to break us up quite a few times.

"We win," Adam declared and it was true, but us girls were only behind by three points.

"We almost beat you. We would have if Hunter had played by the rules," Cassie said teasing.

"Sorry," Hunter said sheepishly.

"Right," Sterling said chastising him and Hunter punched him in the arm playfully.

"Alright macho boys what's next?" Veronica said rolling her eyes and stopped to point at something.

I looked ahead and saw Jack standing a few yards away smiling an eerie smile. How was it that all of a sudden we were seeing him so often? It's as if the ghost story was his way of passage to come and aggravate people.

Hunter immediately stood in front of me and I cowered as he floated closer.

"What do you want Jack?" Hunter said exasperated and annoyed.

"I'm here to warn you and Cameron. I know everything about you. Brett is waiting for your arrival. He intends to watch you suffer as he harms the one you love most."

"You don't know anything about me," I said not even sure how he knew about Brett to begin with.

"If I told you that your dad had been murdered would you believe me?"

"No," I say instantly and clench my fists.

"Well he was and the killer will do the same to him," he said pointing at Hunter.

"Bull, Jack you're making this up," Sterling said accusingly.

"Am I?" was all he said and disappeared.

Tears brimmed my eyes and I remained still.

"Sweetheart Jack doesn't know."

"I know," was all I could say. But what if my dad had been murdered? I wished desperately that I had a better memory of my past. My heart felt heavy and I suddenly wanted to seek revenge.

Hunter could tell and said, "We'll get to the bottom of this Cam," he replied hugging me tight. I couldn't help but lean into him. Hunter didn't let go until he knew I was calm enough to not go and kill someone.

Everyone tried their best to distract me but I couldn't stop thinking of what Jack had said earlier. As we packed our bags to head home, I hugged all of them as a thank you. Maya hugged me the longest and whispered, "Be safe and thank you for coming Cameron. You have no idea how much it means to Hunter."

"I can only imagine," I replied and sat in the front with Hunter as he pulled out and headed home.

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