Chapter 1

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Caitlin's POV:

I used to be (and I still am) in a relationship with Jason Mccann, but he was violent and abusive

In fact he still is... He wont let me leave him, only to go to school

He sometimes seems jealous because my best friend Justin is so sweet and kind, Justin and Jason have never met but I think he gets jealous when I talk about Justin a lot...

Justin doesn't know about the abuse, I cover my bruises with make up most of the time 

I got up and got ready for school

I went downstairs and Jason gave me a stern look and clenched his jaw

"What?" I asked

"You're really wearing that?" He said referring to my cropped t-shirt

"Its hot outside Jason" I argued

"Go change!" He insisted

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs where I changed into a plain t-shirt and jeans

The jeans were my own choice because its hard to cover up the bruises on my legs

Jason took me to school and kissed me as I was about to get out of the car

There was something about his kiss that could make me forgive him over and over

I got into school and went to my locker, Justin was waiting for me

"Hey" he smiled

"Hey" I smiled back

I got my stuff out of my locker

"Jason bring you to school?" He asked, he doesn't know he's Jason Mccann though or he'd probably freak out that I'm dating a most wanted criminal

"Yeah" I smiled

We then walked to first lesson together

"Justin?" I said as we walked

"Yeah?" He replied

"Can I come over at lunch? There's something I need to tell you" I asked nervously

"Sure" He smiled

After first lesson we headed off to second lesson

Eventually lunch came around and I met Justin at my locker and we headed back to his for a little while for lunch

We got to Justin's and his Mom, Pattie, was making lunch

"Mom! Caitlin's here!" He yelled as we kicked our shoes

Pattie came out into the hallway and hugged Justin, then me

"We're gonna go upstairs until lunch is ready" Justin told her and we went upstairs to his room

We sat on his bed "What did you wanna tell me?" Justin asked smiling

"J-Jason sometimes abuses me" I revealed

Justin's smile dropped and he looked worried "Show me the bruises" He insisted sounding mad at Jason

I started to take my jeans off when Pattie walked in

"What's going on here?" She asked us

"Its not what it looks like, honest" Justin replied "She was showing me her bruises"

"Bruises?! What from?" Pattie asked worriedly

"From my boyfriend" I said quietly trying not to let my tears fall

Justin touched one of the bruises and I flinched 

"Sorry" He apologised

Pattie came over "They look pretty bad sweetheart" She said examining one "Let me get you some ice or something for them"

"I'm fine" I said faking a smile

"Ok, I better get back to lunch" Pattie smiled sympathetically

Not long after I put my jeans back on lunch was ready

We went downstairs and Pattie put our plates in front of us "Thanks" I smiled not really feeling like eating

"So who's your boyfriend?" Pattie asked as we ate her amazing spaghetti

"Jason" I said knowing I had to continue "Jason... Mccann" I revealed

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