Violet smirks and says, "I'm just killing you."

The elders begins to chant a spell together that lifts Chloe body into the air. The other side holds his head screaming in pain. The elders continue to chant and chant over and over and black orbs begin to burst out of Chloe body and burns into flames. Chloe body falls and Violet catches her and when she see grey eyes she grins.

Chloe looks around confuse the last thing she remember is the darkness she then asks, "Violet what happen."

"I saved you from the other side." Violet explains.

Chloe tries to move but Violet pushes her back down and says, "Don't move to fast."

"Rue how is Rue." Chloe cries.

"She is fine Catherine and Olivia took her to the hospital" Violet smiles, "We won."

Chloe looks around and smiles, "We did."

Violet then kisses Chloe and picks her up bridal style they then walk out the palace and see the sun rising. Violet smiles feeling the heat on her face

Sue finally escapes Arlandria she looks back and says, "Oh Violet the war has just begun."


"Sir we heard rumors of Sue in Divide."

"I see have you heard from my son." Ralph asks.

"No sir Leo is still missing we believe Beverly had something to do with it and I last heard she was on her way towards Divide to find Sue."

"Let's head to Divide." Ralph announces


Seven days later

Violet looks out the window naked and Chloe walks up behind her and hugs her from behind. Violet turns around and Chloe says, "Your body is healing up well."

Violet smiles and replies, "Yeah you too I'm still a little sore though."

Chloe was interrupted when they hear a knock on the door. "Wait a minute." Chloe says then looks at Violet saying, "Cover yourself."

Violet rolls her eyes and grab a robe throwing it over her body. Chloe grabs some shorts and t-shirt and then she open the door to see a happy Rue run in. "Granddad said breakfast will be serve in twenty that you can't miss it today."

Ever since the war Chloe and Violet has been hiding out in Violet room a break from the world and enjoying the peace.

Violet hugs Rue kissing her on the top of her head saying, "Go tell granddad that we will down." Rue smiles and run out of the room. Violet grins and suggests, "Let shower." Chloe smiles and follows behind Violet into the bathroom.

Minutes later they are all sitting at the table eating breakfast together Violet looks around and smiles at how much everything has changed. Months ago her father would have laughed thinking it was a joke if she even suggested having a vampire or witch at his table for breakfast but now Violet looks around to see Witches, Vampires, and Wolves eating in peace among each other.

"What are you grinning at honey?" Chloe asks looking slightly confuse.

"At what I have." Violet smiles kissing Chloe on the cheek.

Chloe was about to say something until she hears screaming Violet stands and runs to the front of her mansion to see a tall lady with medium black hair throwing one of her guards into the grass. Fire emerges around her hands and she screams, "Stand down!" in her alpha voice.

The lady turns around and smirks' mumbling a spell Violet screams out in pain and Chloe runs out and uses her telekinesis to throw the unknown lady into a tree. Violet gets up and they both run towards the lady. Chloe stands over her and says, "I believe you have attack the wrong house who are you." The unknown lady throws Chloe from over her and yells, "I'm here to rescue you from these animals."

Chloe steps back and Anne runs up asking, "Victoria?"

"Anne?" she pauses looking at her in disbelieve, "Why are you guys on these untrained beast property?" Victoria asks.

"You know her?" Chloe asks.

Violet growls and steps in Victoria face and holler, "You will watch your tongue."

"Honey it's okay." Chloe says pulling Violet back. Violet stands by Chloe side and Victoria asks, "Honey? You two know each other."

Violet rolls her eyes and Chloe answers, "This is my wife. Who are you?"

"I'm your mother Victoria Waters." The lady with dark hair answers. "And what you mean wife you're married to a wolf."

The End

I just want to thank everyone who has took time to give my story a chance. i appreciate the comments and likes. it was times when i was in a really bad mood and your comments made me feel like someone, like i was important. So thankyou for that. And i will be writing a book two so no sad faces their are more to come. Have a nice summer and thankyou again. :)


Book 2 is called Return :) already up

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