The Reconciliation

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Jungkook tried not to dwell on it.

Overthinking has often ruined his mental stability, and a nervous breakdown is the last thing he needs now. Besides, everything is (supposed to be) simple – it's not a three hour class of advanced mathematics; he just needed to come up to his brother and say that he's sorry.

It's just words after all, and Jungkook is a certified silver tongue, so he should do just fine. Jungkook nodded to himself in newfound determination and assured himself albeit less warily than the many times before, "Just a piece of cake, nothing major."

Jungkook managed a small, tight-lipped smile and lets out a sigh to shake off the remaining anxiety as he took a sharp turn to the left, his destination clear in mind. In contrast to his heart, his steps are light. He strode through the hall in a comfortable speed.

After a while, Jungkook reaches the place he's been meaning to come to; the garden – and the view that he sees is exactly the same with what he's pictured in his head; Taehyung is there, sitting on the grass right beside the pond with his eyes fixed on a random spot in the sky. He doesn't see Jungkook, which is fine; he will, soon.

"Ta – Taehyung." Jungkook cursed himself at the stutter. He did not think his voice would come out the way it did.

For a moment, it was as if the elder hadn't heard him; he stayed frozen, eyes fixated on the sky, and silent as ever. But after a while, he stood up with an alarming speed and began to walk away. Jungkook didn't let him, of course – he grabbed his brother by the arm and turned him around so that they would be facing each other.

"Taehyung," Jungkook says again, this time without the stutter, "We need to talk."

Taehyung looks away and shook his head vigorously, "I don't – no."

Jungkook raised his eyebrows, "No?"

Again, Taehyung shook his head, "No."

Jungkook sighed and moved his hands to cup his brother's face and practically forced the elder to turn his way. For a small moment, Jungkook made use of the close proximity and noted the small, red patch near Taehyung's eyes and how the elder prince had gone quite pale compared to how he was one and a half months before. Questions rose in his mind, and he almost blurt them out, but Taehyung beats him to it.

"I was wrong." Taehyung says, his voice small and trembling. "I was wrong, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, I swear – I just – I talk; you know I talk a lot. I'm not like you – I was never the smartest kid. I'm sorry, I didn't mean –"

The shock came like a tsunami. Harsh, overwhelming, and sudden. Jungkook could not comprehend it – Taehyung thought he was the one in the wrong? As absurd as it may be, that seemed to be the case. Dumbfounded, Jungkook missed the chance to justify his brother's faulty-understanding. Instead, he pulled back from the elder as if he'd been burned.

"Taehyung, you –" Jungkook doesn't know what he was going to say, then again, it doesn't matter, because once more, his line was cut short.

"No – wait, no, no. I can't – please don't go. I know I messed up, but I didn't break our deal – y-you have to – have to stay here, w-with mother, and – and father , and me –"

After some time, Jungkook managed to get over the shock. Yet, he still finds himself wordless, so he does the next best thing in his mind; he moves forward and kisses his brother as hard as he can. Deep inside, he wishes the kissing would somehow do the talking for him; would somehow convey his feelings, but he knows that's impossible – there's much to say, afterall.

Which is why, after they broke apart to catch their breaths, Jungkook took hold of Taehyung's hands to prevent him from getting away and stared deep into the elder's wide and confused eyes.

"Jungkook, what –"

"Listen," he says, "You didn't do anything wrong."

As if he couldn't believe it, Taehyung questioned, "I didn't?"

"No, Tae, that's fucking absurd. It's – it's me, I'm –" Jungkook stopped himself and looked away in shame, "I just wanted us to stand on the same ground. I never actually wanted to – hurt you like that. I just – I got carried away, and I overdid it –"

"Why did you think you need to make me stand on the same ground you did?" Taehyung cuts off, but his voice is small and soft, "We always were equals."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Fine." he admits, "To you maybe we are. You treated me like an equal, fine – that part is true. But that doesn't mean everybody else treated me the same way you did. I''ve always noticed, Tae – how people shower you with kindness, and how they shower me with pity. You're too oblivious to see, but I'm not. You said it yourself; unlike you, I've always been the smartest kid"

Taehyung blinks, face blank. Jungkook waited for the argument the elder would throw at him, because Taehyung never did agree with him on the subject, yet it never came. Instead, Taehyung said, "I never said that."

"Just earlier, you said unlike me, you've never been the smartest kid – god's sake, Tae, the point is the same."

Taehyung lowers his head and rips out a sheepish grin, "Oh."

"Oh?" Jungkook questioned due to the lack of retaliation,  "That's it? No 'but Jungkook, you are as loved as I am, and you're foolish to think otherwise', or 'but Jungkook, our nanny loved you more than me' or any of those bullshit speeches?"

Taehyung shook his head and smiled. There's a subtle hint of sadness in his eyes, but for the most part he looked happy, "Well I'll never see it through your eyes, so I won't tell you what to feel."

Jungkook chuckled fondly. He couldn't quite remember the last time he's felt as blessed as he did now. Flustered, he fumbled over his next words, "Anyway, this is – we're getting off course. I'm just – I, um, again, I'm really – I just, I'm sorry. And – what I've been trying to, uh, say is –"

The elder cuts him off with a chaste kiss to his lips and a whisper of, "I love you."

"Ah, well – that's – yeah. Exactly. I was going to say that, just so you know. Right before you literally stole it from my mouth."

Taehyung giggled in response, "Shut up, now," he joked and then added, quite suggestively, "We've parted for almost eight weeks, and I missed your bedroom."

In truth, Taehyung have shown his seductive side quite a numerous of times – but this is the first time Jungkook ever saw the elder being so... transparent. Which took him off guard, really. "You –" Jungkook didn't know what he's supposed to say, yet again it didn't matter.

For all he knew, wordlessly taking hold of his brother's arm and dragging him through the halls with quick steps and heated glances was all it took to do the job.


My god, it was such a struggle for me to make this chapter. And even when I managed it, it's still kinda crappy.... :(

But oh well, tell me what you think about it anyway! 

(The next chapter will be better, i swear, haha ;-;) 

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