Misleading Discoveries

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Taehyung doesn't understand why his brother would do the things he does for a multitude of reasons.

One that Taehyung questioned a lot lately, was why Jungkook would torture him so much. Why the younger would constantly remind him that he was less than what people say he was, why he seemed to take such delights in seeing him hurt or in tears, and above it all, why he would want to do that.

Jungkook once vaguely hinted that is was due to jealousy because Taehyung is clearly more well-liked by everybody, but Taehyung finds it hard to believe that. Jungkook is slightly less loved than he is, yes, Taehyung will half-heartedly admit to that, but that doesn't mean they are treated unequally – and Taehyung have some very good arguments for those who doesn't agree with that.

Every time they had a fight their mother would find out who went for it first and would only punish the one more responsible for the fight. Jungkook have gotten punished more than a couple of dozen times throughout his adolescence years only, whilst Taehyung have only gotten punished twice within the same years – and guess what? It was totally fair; often, it was Jungkook who asked for a fight.

Their father too, treated them just as fairly. The wise king taught Taehyung how to wield swords, how to rule and be benevolent, how to calculate; how to be a king. Whilst he taught Jungkook how to read and write and how to be able to be of help when Taehyung becomes king, because as the old man likes to put it; Taehyung is the kind of king that would need all the help he can get (and see? people don't always compliment Taehyung as Jungkook may have believed).

But then again, when Taehyung thought about it, that example may have been too weak. Despite the examples being the king and the queen themselves, they're still only two people, and they're Taehyung and Jungkook's parent's for lord's sake, so of course they'd treat their sons equally.

Their friends perhaps? Jimin obviously dislikes Jungkook and practically worships Taehyung, so he's out of the list, but how about the rest? Jin and Namjoon are the least judgemental people Taehyung has ever had the pleasure of knowing, surely they loved Taehyung just as much as they do Jungkook, don't they?

Taehyung smiled unconsciously, thinking that he had found the answers before then remembering that they aren't very close with Jungkook and doesn't seem to be interested to get closer to him either. Taehyung's smile fell – maybe not, then.

Their teachers? No, Jungkook is a smart kid, one of the smartest in the whole school. All of his grades are perfect and he's never missed an assignment, but he's not very nice to the teachers. The last time Taehyung's ever seen Jungkook interact with a teacher is when the younger prince was throwing pebbles at the poor Mr. Jung.

Taehyung threw the name out of the list in his head. That one's disqualified as well.

"What are you doing, Taehyung?"

The rather intruding voice threw Taehyung's train of thoughts into disarray, forcing him to stop altogether. Almost too quickly, Taehyung turned his head towards the voice before then clicking his tongue at the almond-eyed man that greeted him. "Bogum," he hissed, "Whatever business you may have here, finish it quickly and leave. Or, if possible, don't finish it and leave now."

Bogum; the obvious unwanted company, laughed and practically mocked Taehyung as he said, "Oh, I see now, does the precious crown prince thinks he's too noble for little low-life rats like me?"

Venom rose from Taehyung's throat, threatening to spill, but he won't let it out. His father had thought him to be a better man than that. "That isn't true and you know it."

"Oh, that's right, this is about your pathetic brother! Sorry, I always forgot; I don't tend to memorize unimportant things, you know?" Bogum taunted.

Taehyung clenched his fist and un-clenched them again, heating up from the memory. Back in the days, when Jungkook couldn't give a damn about gaining muscles or looking good for the opposite sex, he'd been weak; abnormally weak. Up to the point where even four-eyed nerd would try to arm-wrestle him, knowing they'd win.

Bogum wasn't one of the four-eyed nerd that only wanted to win one match of arm-wrestle against the prince of the land, though. He was strong, he's always been, and Jungkook was just an easy target. People said it happened 'naturally', Taehyung says that's a bunch of bullshit.

The moment Taehyung caught on to what was going on, he smashed Bogum's face into a wall and threatened him with everything he has. Taehyung was the only one who got in trouble in the end, obviously; he was the one who started the fight, and Bogum barely fought back anyway. And the damage Taehyung'd made wasn't minor either– even to this time the whole school could still marvel at the large hole on the wall that Taehyung had made with Bogum's face. Yet, Taehyung doesn't regret a thing. Bogum stopped messing with Jungkook and that was all that mattered.

"I said leave, Bogum." Taehyung threatened, still bitter about the memory, "Or do you want me to smash your face through a wall again?"

"Now, now, don't get all defensive; I'm no longer – as you said at that time– an evil human being. I was just teasing, alright? No need to get all heated up." Informed the other, "But you know, I really am curious, how is your brother?"

Taehyung huffs, feeling slightly more at ease yet not completely convinced. "What does it concern you?"

"Just curious is all." Bogum said, "Last time I saw him he was a just a sad little kid who only ever wishes for the throne that he could never have."

Taehyung gasped as if offended before then growling, "That isn't true! Jungkook doesn't care about the throne! We're brothers, we love each other regardless of such trivial, formal matters!"

Unexpectedly, Bogum seemed to have gotten his answer just from that speck of outburst Taehyung gave him. "Ah, well," he says, "If that's truly what you think then nothing has changed. I pity your brother, Taehyung, I do. Send him my regards won't you?"

And that as all it took for Bogum to walk out of the scene, leaving Taehyung alone, confused and conflicted. What Bogum had just said gave him a new perspective. About the throne, was it? Taehyung doesn't want to believe it to be true, yet at the same time there's a small voice on the back of his mind that says that it is. Doubt started to cloud his mind, was Jungkook that ambitious? Was it all about the throne after all?

Well, either way, there's only one way to ever be sure.


To clear up any confusion; yes, Jungkook used to be bullied in this fic. And Taehyung's speculation in this chapter is way off btw, hahaha.

The next chapter will be up next friday! (UTC+9)

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