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Jungkook led you to a hallway with many doors you assumed were rooms.

'There are a quite lot of rooms...' You thought, looking around the hall.

'Wait, of course there are a lot of doors, its a castle stupid. They probably have a lot of guests that come and go.' Rolling your eyes at your own stupidity, you continued to follow the fast paced king ahead of you.

Jungkook led you to a room, stopping and looking at you expectantly as if giving you a chance to look around it. The room was quite large and very beautiful, most definitely fit for a Princess or a Queen, neither of which you were, but nonetheless it was still wonderful. The bed was wide and fluffy, the furniture a deep brown with golden trim, and a vanity that sat near another door you assumed was a closet. Across the room there was yet another door, one that was open, and you could see a bath inside.You were about to ask about getting one when Jungkook spoke.

"My lady, you can stay here until we call for you. I will have the maids come and attend you while you wait." The youngest said, giving you a gentle smile. He gestured to the room approvingly, knowing that your look of wonder meant you liked the room. He softly chuckled at your awed face before you looked back at him.

"Um, okay. Thank you Your Majesty." You said, giving him your best curtsy. He smiled, giving you a pleased look before slightly nodding and walking out the door. You guessed your respectful title was liked by him since he had more of a prideful step as he exited.

Not two seconds after his back disappeared from the doorway, 3 young maids rushed in and bowed before you. When they looked up, all of them smiled.

"Lady, we are here to attend to you. Please tell us what you would like us to do!" The smallest quipped, looking up at you with innocent eyes. You fidgeted with your hands as she looked at you expectantly.

"Um... I..." You awkwardly said, not knowing what to say or do. You weren't used to people being so willing to help you, let alone serve your every need, and you had no experience with commanding people to do things. You thought about asking for a bath but didnt know how to address them, so you just stood there hoping that they would understand your extreme awkwardness.

The oldest of the three walked closer to you, giving you an almost pitying look. She didn't look like she was very pleasant, but her next action spoke otherwise.

"Here my lady. Would you like a bath? Would you like some food? Would you like to have us change your dress or do your makeup?" She suggested politely, giving you a small bow as she spoke. You tried to relax as her calm face and brown eyes looked up into your own.

"Yes, actually, thank you. A bath would be lovely and some food too." You said, trying to form words that didn't sound too haughty or rude. She nodded and turned to the other two girls, speaking lowly about what they had to do.

'These girls are my equals. I don't come from any place special, so it feels wrong to be asking them for something I am capable of doing myself.' You thought, looking each of them over and noticing they didn't look that old compared to the maids in the stories you read. They weren't the typical old nanny type maid, welcoming you with warmth and wrinkly soft hands. They were more like children who were doing anything just to live and survive.

"Right away my lady." The oldest one said, snapping you out of your observations. She looked to both girls before they dispersed. The youngest and the middle one went to go get the food while the oldest went to draw your bath. You heard the water being poured into the tub and smelled the rose scented perfume waft out of the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to focus on what to do and how to even react to all of this, but only a few moments after the rose scent had hit your nose, she came out and stood in front of you as if expecting you to let her undress you. You shook your head and looked down embarrassed for both yourself and her.

"Really thank you, but I would prefer to undress myself if that is okay." You said, a slight blush creeping to your cheeks. She simply smiled understandingly and nodded before going back to getting the bath ready. You watched her move about the small room, working diligently to make sure everything was perfect but you wished she didn't have to. You wondered how old these girls even were, what their family was like and what their stories were. You had no idea what kind of time period or universe you had stepped into, but you needed to find out soon.

'What am I going to do? I have no knowledge about this place or how I’m going to need to act. These girls might be my only source of help.' You worried as you shimmied out of your sapphire dress. It billowed around your ankles but your whirling thoughts kept your mind away from being concerned about the pretty thing getting wrinkled.

'The youngest seems fairly young to be working and middle one looks to be about 14. The oldest seems like she is 16, but she holds a wiser aura about her.' You sighed, knowing that you would have to ask them their ages. You had so many questions but you didn't even know if they would answer you, or if they would think of you as stupid.

'Its not like reading a book Y/n... You cant know everything all at once. This time you actually have to learn how to read people, not pages.'


Short chapter because I felt the need to update, but I don't have a lot of time because I have school activities and dance.

I hope those of you still reading this liked this chapter, even though it isn't my best.



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