Chapter 15

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"Hey" Jungkook tapped on Taehyung shoulder's softly. "I've got a surprise for you"Jungkook said and Taehyung frowned curiously. "..But first you need to close your eyes, i promise you its not something weird"Jungkook pinky promised. Taehyung smile and nodded. "Lets go" Jungkook pushed the wheelchair after tying a cloth on Taehyung's eyes to ensure that he's not gonna sneak a peak. Taehyung can hear something rustling on his surrounding, he really eager to know, "are we reached yet?". "Yup" Jungkook simply answer and unbuckle the cloth. They were on the backyard.

Taehyung eyes widen from the sight of all his children was there with a huge banner "WE LOVE YOU TEACHER,GET WELL SOON!!!!". There is a tears of happiness on the corner of his eyes, he felt touched. The kids start to sing a song that Taehyung asked them to learn and Taehyung enjoy every bit of it. "I would give you some times with all of them, i'll be right back in an hour"Jungkook caressed Taehyung hair gently, he wanna step away when taehyung grabbed his hand and muttered thank you. "Thats what friend will do"Jungkook smile and walk away.

Taehyung pushed the wheelchair forward and picked up his saxophone and blow it in line with their song. After finishing their song, they hug taehyung and sit surrounding him. "Lets start our story telling time, what kind of story would you guys like to hear?"Taehyung asked and one girl stand up and passing him a cinderella book. "Thank you Eunhye for the suggestion, i'll start now, please settle down on your seat" All the kids was eager to start the storytelling session.

"The end" Taehyung close the book and all the children clapped their hand. "Teacher, do you have a prince like cinderella did?"Min ah asked with joy. Taehyung smile from the question, it makes him thinking about Hoseok. "yeah, i've got one, like she did"Taehyung said. "Then it will makes you the Cinderella and that prince will come to you and you will live happily ever after!!!" Kai said with wide smile. "Only with Gods will"Taehyung said. Kai frowned suddenly, "but teacher, you won't live happily ever after"Kai sadly said. "Why?" Taehyung confused with the words. "If you are the cinderella, then the prince will try to find you with a missing heels, but how he can recognize you when you don't even have a legs" Kai blurted out innocently.

Taehyung gasped when the reality hit him on the face, tears unintentionally stained his cheeks. "Stupid, why would you make teacher cry??"Min ah hit Kai's shoulder. "I'm really sorry teacher, i didn't meant to" Kai feel guilty. "No Kai, what you were saying is absolutely right, i'll never see my prince ever again"small tears escaped through his cheeks. "No you will find your prince, teacher" Kai said. Min ah stepped forward "We'll pray for you to meet your prince". All the children kneel down, clasped their hand, closed their eyes and starting to pray. Taehyung cried even more while staring at his children proudly.



Hoseok open his eyes after heard a phone call. "Hello"his voice sound groggily. "Hello Mr Jung, its Laura speaking" His painting agent was on called. "Yes, what do you want?" Hoseok asked while sitting up. "There is someone seems interested to buy your painting the one that called "LOVE"". "I've told you, that painting are not for sale" Hoseok rub his eyes with his knuckles. "I've told him already, but he was too immersed with that painting and started to rambling about how that painting is actually spoken about love and wait i forgot what he said...ummmm oh yeah it was passion engraved on it"Hoseok heart pounding so hard on the mention of that. He was definitely sure the only one who could encrypted the meaning behind the drawing is him and Taehyung.

"Who's that man?"He desperately need the answer. "I don't know him, he's not a regular but he was handicapped and looks like he don't really have so much money" Hoseok disappointed a little bit, he really thought that was Taehyung. "i will give him the highest price to makesure he got no money to pay for it"Laura added. "No Laura, just give him the painting for free" Hoseok sighed. "You've got to be kidding me right, Mr Jung?"Laura chuckle nervously. "Nope i'm not joking, and please tell him that i really appreciated that he could understand the meaning behind the painting, at least someone know and feel what i feel" Hoseok said with sorrow floating on his word. "As you wish Mr Jung" Laura hanged up.

Hoseok lay on his bed pensively staring at the ceiling when steve knocked on his bedroom door. He lazily walked to open it. "Look what i've got!!!!" steve waving the movie ticket excitedly. "This movie was box office, i can assure you that this movie would make you forget all the tension"Steve said pleadingly. "I'm not going steve" He just walked to his bed and sit there. "Okay then, just ripped this ticket and throw it away, who am i for you after all!!!, i'm not your friend, i'm just your maid!!!"Steve half yelled, throw the ticket to Hoseok and walk away disappointingly.

Hoseok felt guilty, he heave a deep sigh and walk out to find Steve who sitting on the living room pouting. He sit beside him "If i'm going, would you be happy?"Hoseok said. "Absolutely" Steve still pouting. "Okay, then i'll go" Hoseok fake a smile for steve. Steve felt so happy and run to his bedroom to change his clothes.


To say that the movie was okay is an understatement, its beyond okay, even Hoseok was crying in the middle of the movie making Steve worried. They walking out from the movie when someone that seat in two row in the front was dropping a phone while he try to search for his bag and as a gentlemen Hoseok pick it up and giving it to the owner. "Here sir, your p~~~~"Hoseok stopped midway, he was too shocked seeing Taehyung and its not far different from Taehyung too, Both of them staring into each other surprising with the unexpected encounter. Hoseok almost cry but snapped after saw that Jungkook was there beside Taehyung. Even Jungkook was shocked. The only one that clueless was Steve, he watch the two staring at each other without even talking. Hoseok just passed the phone and walked away quickly, he now know the reason why Taehyung wasn't showned up.

Jungkook cannot let him go, he know that he already promise Taehyung that he won't tell anything about his condition to Hoseok, but he can see how Hoseok already misunderstanding the situation. He try to catch up with Hoseok but before he can go, Taehyung grabbed his hand. "Please, you already promise!!!"Taehyung sounded so scared. "I'm sorry Taetae, i'm no longer keeping this as a secret, he deserves to know" he yanked his hand from Taehyung grip and walk fast. "Jungkook no!!!!!....please stop!!!!!!......Kookie!!!!!!.......arghhhhhh!!!!!!!" Taehyung was too afraid knowing that Hoseok will know his condition, he fall from the seat and his head hit the floor.

Jungkook was shocked and run to Taehyung again. "Taehyung!!!!!"He screamed and hold Taehyung up. "Are you okay????"He was worried sick. "Please, promise me that you won't tell him, sworn in the name of our friendship!!!!!"Taehyung already cried so hard. Jungkook then nodded forcefully. He hate to see him stay miserable but it was his request and he try to understand him.

"Are you angry with me?"Taehyung asked on their way back. Jungkook never drive silently, he always make a conversation but tonight he just seems lost in his thought. "Nahh, why would i be mad?" Jungkook snickered. "what would you do if you were stuck in my situation?" Taehyung asked breaking the silence. Jungkook stay silent. "What will you do? do you really want to be a burden to someone?"Jungkook gulped. "I don't want him to felt burden because of me, i hate that thought, it makes me feel weak" Taehyung said sadly. Jungkook just patted Taehyung's hand and nodded with understanding. But he silently thinking about how to make things right between Hoseok and Taehyung, he knows Hoseok love Taehyung too much to see him as a burden. He glance at Taehyung and smirked as he already got an idea.

The ending is almost here, what will happen???? i don't know yet, feel like killing someone.


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