Chapter 11

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Hoseok got into line to claim his salary for today, the supervisor giving his payment. When he take the money which the first time he got it from his own effort, he felt so proud of himself. "Look at this steve, its my first pay, i will buy a canvas and paint, i wanna start painting and drawing again~~~~/// steve!!!!!" Steve just stole 1500 won from him and run. He was so speechless but let him away. Hoseok just go to the stationery shop to buy what he wanted. He was painting at their shared small room, when Steve come with food, "I'm sorry Hoseokie, i'm taking your money, i'm too hungry and i bought you a ramen" Steve look down. Hoseok stop painting and walk to him. "Its okay steve, i'm sorry for dragging you into this situation too" Hoseok patted Steve shoulder and start painting again. Steve walk up to him and stand behind the younger to absolutely amaze on his drawing. "I bet he really an astounding human being that have a power to change a devil like you to this, can you tell me how he's look a like?" Hoseok let out a small chuckle.

"Kim Taehyung, his striking gaze making my heart beat three times faster, his boxy smile stood the most on his feature, His mellow voice was angelic, his melanin tanned skin making him glow under a moon shines or sun shines, his tough yet soft gesture making you comfortable, his hug was the warmest after my own mother, even if we reincarnate, i still want him and him only to be mine, to share my love, my happiness and my everything"Hoseok completely lost in love. Steve never seen this kind of look on Hoseok eyes while talking about someone. "You're absolutely madly in love my friend"He muttered with smile etching on his face.


It was a per wedding party, their friend throw for them. Taehyung already frustrated with all the failing attempt to tell Jungkook about Hoseok, he need to be hurry before the wedding day's coming. The blasting music on the background doesn't match with his beating heart. He sees Jungkook while walking to the kitchen. "Jungkookie, i need to talk to you" Taehyung pulled him to the backyard. "I need to tell you something important Jungkook" Jungkook take a deep sigh. "I know what you wanna say Taehyungie"Jungkook said making Taehyung shocked. "You... know?"Taehyung muttered. "Yes, i don't know why you keeping it as a secret, we gonna get married next week, are you crazy for not telling me at all?"jungkook scoffed.

"Don't you understand???that if you're happy, i'll be happy too?"Jungkook added. "I'm sorry Jungkookie, i never know that......"Jungkook shushed him to stop talking. "I've already asked him to come here, he was there"Jungkook pointed to the door. Taehyung was so shocked and turn to the door. It was him, his caretaker Kim Namjoon. He was happy to see him but dissapointed that the things Jungkook said are far from his expectation. "How are you my son?"Namjoon patted his head. Taehyung hugged him instead, he missed Namjoon so much. "Already forgetting us after you meet kookie huh?" Namjoon's husband, Kim Seokjin said at the back. Taehyung bowed and hugged him too. "I would give you three time to catch up, i'm gonna go back inside to entertain all the guest" Jungkook kissed Taehyung's cheeks and making his way inside.

"He really a good guy"Namjoon tapped on Taehyung shoulder. "He was handsome too" Seokjin added making Namjoon scowl at him with eyes full of jealousy. Taehyung looked down, he really need to talk with Jungkook but everyone just being a butt-head. "Are you okay, Taehyungie?"Seokjin asked. Taehyung fidgeting on his stand. "Whats going on Taehyungie???, you seems nervous, you better say it" Namjoon added. It just a waste of time for him to lie cause this two guys already know him for the longest years and they can tell when he was lying or not. Taehyung blurting out all the things that he kept about Hoseok.

"I don't want to marry him hyung, what should i do? i love Hoseok so much" Taehyung already on tears. Seokjin soothe him with his embrace while Namjoon siting on a bench. "Before you make any decision, you should see Yoongi first" Namjoon said touching his forehead like he just got a headache."Yoongi?...but... the last time i've checked he was in Daegu with his husband"Taehyung remember the last day he see Yoongi so happy after marrying Kihyun and moved to Daegu but Kim's couple never like Kihyun, they just give Yoongi permission to marry him because of how stubborn Yoongi with his want. Namjoon looked down, "he was here with us" Namjoon pointed on the door. Yoongi was on a wheelchair being pushed by Jimin. "Tae, you're here, Kookie asked me to bring Yoongi hyung to see you, he was your bestfriend at adoption centre right, the one that you always talking about"Jimin looks so happy but suddenly felt awkward when the atmosphere there was so chill. "Just leave him here, and you can go, Thank you Jiminie"Taehyung said and Jimin just nodded without word.

"Yoongi hyung??hey what happen to you?"Taehyung was shocked by looking at Yoongi appearance, he asked him with a surprised tone but only being ignored by Yoongi. Yoongi just kept silent and playing with his hand. "What happen to him, hyung?he seems like he don't recognize me"Taehyung asked Namjoon worriedly. "We never like Kihyun but we never thought that Kihyun would forcing him to be a host and would beat the shit out of him if he won't do it cause he seems so in love" Namjoon spill the bean making Taehyung gasped. "He give everything to Kihyun, but that bloody insolent man just cheating on him and forcing him to sold his body to pay for him and his girlfriend's necessities"Namjoon wipe a tears from the corner of his eyes. "Yoongi was so lucky that a neighbour just reporting Kihyun for abusing him and the policeman was there when he was been abuse" Seokjin added. "He already lost his memories from too much depression and has several time trying to committed suicide"Taehyung cried more, he then hugged Yoongi even though the latter was struggling to get away from his embrace.

"I'm not restraining you to make a decision, but you have to think about all the innocent soul especially Jungkook, and take Yoongi's well-being as an example of result that will happen"Namjoon said with red eyes. "We're not saying that Hoseok was the same as Kihyun but all we know, Jungkook will treat you better"Seokjin said and hugged Taehyung. Taehyung was a crying mess. Now, he know what to do, and he won't regret not a slightest.

After the party, Taehyung locked himself on his room. He was saying to everyone that he got a headache as an excuse. He started to write a letter for Hoseok, his beloved Hoseok with tears staining his cheeks. "I love you Hoseokie"Taehyung kissed the letter and put it in the envelope.

Being busy with my last, i got a chance to write and update...


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