Ch.17 Superwoman

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Who else loves bitchy Ali? She's definitely the funniest to write for. This chapter is really gonna be a maturing turn in her character, hope you like it as well.
Comment, fav, & enjoy the next chapter! ❤️


Emily's POV
They say when you die, you see your life flash before your eyes. I'm not sure who "they" are exactly, but that wasn't the case for me. One minute I was swimming, and the next everything went black. I mean Pitch black. No flash of any kind. I had no idea what happened or if anything happened at all. In fact, is this even real life? Is this what dying feels like? Like nothing?

*Meanwhile Back in the principals office*
"STOP IT! All of you! I'm so done with this conversation and everyone acting like they know what's best for me. I can't be here right now." Emily shouts storming out of the office.

After Emily had ran out of the office, a thick tension arose from the silence once the door slammed. No one said a word. But of course, Alison did not let it linger on for much longer.
"I'm leaving now." Alison said shortly as she stood up and pulled her dress down.
"And where do you think you're going miss thing?" Jessica quizzed harshly.

"To the bathroom. But if you don't believe me, we can all try and squeeze into one stall." Alison smiled sarcastically before exiting the room.

Alison looked left and then right down the narrow hall ways, calling out to Emily. She even popped her head into Emily's first period class to see if she was in there.
She wasn't.
If I were Emily where would I run to...
OH, I've got it!
Alison had a breif epiphany before clicking her heels all the way to the gym where the pool was. If Emily wasn't there she had no clue where else she could be.
Ali could run in heels, but they were not getting her to her destination fast enough. She slid them off her feet and clutched them in her hand and began to jog faster to the pool area.
"Emily? Are you in here?" Alison called out into the seemingly empty locker room.
She then looked through the glass window which led to to the pool and she could see a faint figure in the water. But there was a problem.
The person wasn't moving.
God please don't let this be Emily.
Alison thought to herself as her mind began racing and her heart pounder hard. She busted through the double doors and dropped her heels and hand bag to the floor as she cried out.
OH my God!!! Emily!!!!
Alison wasted no time as her adrenaline kicked in. There was no way she could reach Emily floating in the middle of the pool without jumping in and pulling her out. She could even see a small pool of blood around Emily's head and Alison dove right in. Hair ruined, makeup ruined, but she didn't care right now. Alison had promised many times she would always be there for Emily. And she was. It seemed as if she always appeared at the perfect times.

Em? Emily!? Can you hear me? Oh my God!
Alison started to panic because the brunette wasn't responding. Alison pulled her all the way out of the water and placed a towel and floaty under her head for support. Alison sprinted over to her phone and dialed 911 before sprinting out into the hallway soaking wet to call for anybody.

Alison roared as loud as she could and the swimming coach sprinted out of her office.

"Who's hurt Alison!? Is there any visible injury!?" Coach Amy asked urgently.
"Emily fields and yes! She's bleeding out of her head!" Alison bawled.

"OH no, Emily..
This is Amy, Do you copy? We've got a code 191 I repeat 191. Send help immediately!"
Coach Amy blurted over a walkie talkie. They both ran over to where Emily's body laid eerily still and her face flushed and pale.

"Fields? Fields!?" Coach Amy shouted while listening to see if Emily had a pulse or if she was breathing.
Shortly after, the paramedics busted in through the doors like SWAT.
And before Alison knew it, they were hauling Emily off into the ambulance.
All of the students in rosewood began to chatter when they saw several ambulances and police cars out side of their school.

Alison grabbed her belongings and went to her gym locker to find something warmer to wear. All she could find were pool shoes and sweatpants. She rolled her eyes and trotted back eagerly to the priciples office to see if Emily's parents were still there. Everything had happened so fast I'm sure they had not been informed of anything yet.
"What are you looking at!?" Alison hissed at several students that furrowed their eyebrow at her since she was shivering and dripping water all over the hallway. Alison was never caught looking like anything less than her best. But these eyes were really starting to get under her skin and she felt sorry for anybody who gets in her way.

"Nice outfit Alison, maybe I can get you that wet next time." Noel winked as she brushed past him.
"Don't fuck with me Noel. Not even in your dreams." Alison spat before reaching the principal office door. She swung it open and Pam was filling out some sort of paperwork. Alisons parents must have went home already.
All eyes darted to Alison who was still soaking wet, mascara running, lipstick smudged, and overall a hot mess.

"You guys need to get to the hospital, right now! Mr. And Mrs.Fields, Emily is hurt, the ambulance is already escorting her there..I think she hit her head on the pool wall. By the time I got there she was in the pool, laying still, just floating..." Alison trailed off holding in the tears as she recalled the memory.

Pam and Wayne jumped to their feet immediately, not even thinking twice about Alison's sincerity. Everyone knew Alison very much cared about how she looked and wouldn't jeopardize that. Ever.
"Oh no, my poor baby!" Pam cried into her husband. She left the papers on the Principals desk and her and Wayne ran out of the office and to their car. Alison sighed and left out of the principals office afterwards and went to the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and cringed at how disheveled she truly looked.

She grabbed some paper towel and tried to dry off as much as she could. She pulled her phone out of her purse and texted out to Aria Spencer and Hanna in a group text.


Alison continued to try and clean up her mascara but she still felt like she looked like a wet racoon.
A golden outfit, wasted.
She huffed to herself. After about 1 minute the girls all came bursting through the bathroom door at the same time.

"Hey Ali! What's...wrong?" Aria trailed off.

"Whaaaat are you wearing?" Hanna questioned hesitantly looking Alison up and down.

"Ugh, I had to change and this is all I had in my gym locker." Alison said impatiently.

"Did you....Have an accident?" Spencer asked stepping a little closer to Alison.

"What? No!" Alison snapped.

"Well are you GOING to?" Hanna blurted. "And what is up with those shower shoes?"

"Can we just forget about the outfit? Okay! We have an emergency situation here." Alison barked back.

"Okay but one last question? Why are you soaking wet? Are you sure you didn't have an accident?" Hanna giggled but caught herself when she saw the seriousness plastered across Alison's face.

"We have to get to the hospital. Now!" Alison commanded.

"What's going on? I heard someone went to the hospital today and I saw Rosewood PD in the hallways." Aria mentioned concernedly.

"Yes someone did. Look around, who's missing right now!?" Alison yelped.

"Oh my God. Emily!" They all gasped in unison as the lightbulbs went off in their heads.

"I'll explain on the way, let's go!" Alison stated and they wasted no time jetting out of the school and darting to Spencer's car.

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