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Last time;
"So how long have you known Jungkook?"

Jisus p.o.v;

"2 years."
Jungkook placed his hand on my shoulder tightly, reminding me to keep my cool.
"Oh, Jungkook."
She was a little taken aback when he came out of no where.
He sat beside me with his hand on my thigh.
"How did you meet?"
She asked.
" uh, thats enough ques-"
Jungkook cuts me off:
"Taehyung introduced us."
I feel like I'm being interigated...
"Food's on its way~"
Namjoon sits beside Jungkook. The rest follow.

We all eat our meals within an hour, then leave for the cinema.

~at the cinema~

"Oppa what movie are we gonna watch?"
I cling on to Jeongguks arm.
He mouths; surprised.
I nod, when the others go inside to line up I explain.
"I'm hardly gonna call you daddy in front of Nora now am I?"

He chuckles in disbelief and follows me inside.

"What are we gonna see?"
I ask Hoseok, since Jeongguk didn't answer.

"Well, right now we have a choice of either a horror or a romcom."

"A romcom! He's made me watch too many horrors!"
I point at Jungkook, even though I've only been forced to watch 1 or 2, that's still 1 or 2 too many.

He smiles and ruffles my hair.
"Let's watch the horror!"
Nora exclaims. She seems so excited, I dont want to sound rude...
I guess she saw my worried expression when all the guys agreed.( apart from Hosoek and Jin of course.)
"It's only 15s, its not that scary~"
She cooes, petting my arms.
"A-arraso. I'm not scared."
I reason.
"Great! Kaja!"
She turns and accompanies Jin into the theatre.

Noras p.o.v;

I enter the theatre with Jin and the others enters behind us.
Taehyung sits beside me.

I'm honestly a little suspicous about Jungkook and Jisu.
She got all nervous when I asked questions, and he answered them all for her.

"Yes noona?"
"How did Jungkook and Jisu meet?"
He looked... put on the spot?
"Well um, one day I couldn't pick my little sister up from school, so Jungkook did for me and he saw her. And that's how they met. He said that it was love at first sight."
He smiled his square smile and his cheeks turned pink.

I knew it! But.. I suppose that could still be considered as meeting via Tae...
"Aww, really? That's so cute!"
There's something off about her.
I turn to Jin for extra confirmation.
"Jin, how did Jungkook and Jisu meet?"
"Th-They met at a club."
Now I'm sure! Something's going on here that they're not telling me. But what? Is it that bad that my own boyfriend doesn't trust me enough to tell me? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this...

Jisus p.o.v;

The movie starts and so far, as Nora said, it wasnt too scary.
Sure there were a few jump scares but-....
The worst jump scare ever comes on screen, just as I think I'm getting along well.
I subconsiously jump into the air.
Jungkooks hand, previously wresting on my thigh, gets pushed up a little when I jump, hitting somewhere I don't really want him to touch.

He smirks at me and I hit his arm.
"Yah! What did I do?"
He whisper-shouts.
I give him a look and his smirk widens, he then turns back to watch the movie.


Namjoons p.o.v:

"Wah~what a good movie!"
Nora claps her hands.
The 2, or should I say 3, cowards ( jin,hoseok&jisu )come out of the theatre together, shivering with widened eyes.
"See? It wasn't so scar-..y?"
Nora turned to Jisu, seeing her scared out of her wits.
" oh... Jin, come on~."
She comforted Jin.
Jisus mouth dropped, as she obviously thought that Nora's arms were open for her.
I was about to give her a hug myself, when Jungkook appeared from no where and took her away.

We went to a small coffee shop, which specialized in strawberries. All their confectioneries had strawberries in them. The café itself was vintage style, and smelt delicious.

Jungkook payed for us all, and we sat at a couple of tables in the corner.

I noticed Nora continuously glancing at Jungkook and Jisu.
I think she suspects something. Either that or she's jealous of Jisu... I mean yeah, Jungkook is handsome and all but, she has a boyfriend. Maybe it's the attention she's getting. Jisu really is the centre of attention all the time.
She's just like a new puppy..
She's cute, she's innocent, she's friendly... Not to mention everything else, but, eventually, and unfortunately, the novelty always wears off...
And that's when I'll take her.
Maybe not this week, maybe not this year, but I will have her.
She's mine. I'll make her fall for me. One way or another.

Taehyungs p.o.v:

Nora sits across from me. She sips on her straw and our eyes meet. She gives me a look and nods to the bathrooms.
I nod.
" I'm going to the bathroom."
"Me too."

I follow her in.
As soon as we're out of sight, she grabs my color and forces her lips on mine.

After a while we pull away, gasping for breath.
"I know something is going on. Tell me. What are you all hiding? You know you can trust me."

I'm flustered, my eyes bulging and my cheeks burning.
" wh-why'd you do that?"
"Because... Tae~."
She walses towards me.
"I want you to know you can trust me Tae.. And-..A-and I like you."
"T-trust you?! You just cheated on your boyfriend, my best friend."
"Please~ stop lying to me.. At least tell me how those 2 really met"

"Oh, Nora.. Please. Stop causing trouble."


A/n: heyyy
Sorry for taking so long to update.

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