A Lioness To Reckon With

Start from the beginning

« Y/N ? »

If a feline could smile, it would have but you just licked his face and nodded as you lightly groaned at him.

Stephen winced at the action and sighed. You nuzzled your face into his neck, in a cuddly manner.

« I'll deal with you later, dear. Stay here while I take care of Kaecilius » he announced, a small smile curving his lips.

Your lovely sorcerer activated blazing diagrams shields and rushed forward Kaecilius who smirked, obviously waiting for Stephen to come at him.

You watched from afar the fight, worry groans leaving your fangs as Stephen threw a spell at him and Kaecilius dodged them and kept on attacking his opponent.

You couldn't stay motionless, watching the love of your life put his life in danger against a crazy psychopath. You had to do something and as you closed your eyes, something inside you awoke. You glimpsed Stephen getting weaker and weaker because of the energy he had spent before to defeat the minions. He needed help and you were going to help him even if you knew there would be consequences. You ran towards the two figures, your paws stamping the ground and you jumped in the air, a powerful roar of love echoing wildly in the air. Claws out, you landed on Kaecilius, the wild predator in you taking control when you bit his arms, the taste of blood invading your mouth. A sharp pain in the side made you release him but you clawed his chest. Then you stepped back, protecting Stephen who had gotten up when Kaecilius had tried to set the fatal blow.

« You hadn't expected your own spell to turn against you did you, Kaecilius ? » Stephen said mischievously.

Kaecilius just groaned in pain and with a swift of his arm opened a portal and had barely the time to cross it. He disappeared leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

You were breathing heavily, the adrenaline leaving your veins and a warm leathered hand petted your hand.

« Let's go home, Y/N so I can find a way to reverse the spell. »

You sighed and shuffled behind him, going back to the sanctum.

« And Y/N ? » he said, turning to you.

You raised your feline head.

« Thank you. »

You roared happily, making him flinch and jumped on him again. He had barely the time to say « not again ! » you were tackling him down.


You were sitting next to him, your tail swinging swiftly behind you while the cloak was on your back, stroking you very soft furry cheeks and making you purr. You were watching Stephen find a spell to change you back to your human form and it had been hours since the fight. However, the company of the cloak made the wait sweeter.

Suddenly he exclaimed :

« I found it! »

You leapt on the table and looked at him, locking eyes. Both of you get lost in the gaze of each other.

« You know, you are beautiful even as a lioness, Y/N. I wouldn't mind keeping you like this. »

You groaned, a feline threat leaving your throat.

« But, I prefer your human form better. »

As soon as he said this words, he started to cast the reverse spell and a bright light encompassed you as the cloak stepped back. The same feeling that at the first transformation occurred and this time when the light disappeared, you were back in your human naked with a small tiny problem... you were naked. Stephen looked away as the perfect gentleman he is.

You screamed and tried to cover you but the cloak immediately wrapped itself around you and you sighed in delight.

« Thanks, Cloak »

« No thanks to me, dear? » Stephen teased, leaning closer to your kneeling form, still on the table.

« I wouldn't be in a lioness in the first place if you had been there » you argued and looked elsewhere.

« Ouch, that hurts, but I protected you and changed you back. Don't I deserve something? »

You smirked.

« True, come here. »

You stepped closer, his face centimetres away from yours. His breathtaking eyes were set on you, gleaming.

« Close your eyes. » you said.

He did as he was told and you put your hand on his shoulders and leaned on. He was expecting a kiss, however, you licked his cheek and flew out of the way as he eyes snapped open, surprise plastered on his face. The cloak, still tightly wrapped around you, you ran to your room and put some clothes on.

You didn't see Wong's comment in the library to Stephen.

« She got you, didn't she? »

Stephen just shook his head and got up, walking to your room.

« I need my cloak back and a proper kiss. »

A/N: So what did you think?

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