Chapter 15

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POV: Lucy

We got outside the building and began walking down the street. "So Lu, how are you and Natsu?" Levy asked me, I could tell that she was holding back a grin.
"What do you mean.." I played dumb.
'How'd I know that he'd tell her while I was getting ready...of course..'

"Well, he was at your house-" I cut her off my giggling. "Alright alright..I'll tell you what happened.." I chuckled and rolled my eyes.


"Oh Lu I'm so happy for you!!" Levy cheered. "Yeah..but it's kinda awkward right now.. I'm not sure what to do.." I sighed and put my hands into my pants pockets.

"It's okay Lu, I'm sure that everything will be just fine." She gave me a reassuring smile and patted my shoulder. We soon made it to the guild and went inside. For once in a bit, the guild hall was packed. I guess everybody are done with their missions and want to hang here.

   When we went in a bit further, a few individuals rushed up to me. The individuals being Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, and Carla.
"Hey Lucy! Is Natsu alright?" Erza asked.
"Yeah, did you find him?" Gray added.

"Yes..I found him." I said, calming their nerves.
"Natsu-san and love rival scared Juvia half-to-death.." Juvia referred to herself in third person and rubbed her cheeks.
"Yeah, Happy came here after he searched around and said that he couldn't find the either of you!" Wendy picked up Carla.

"Yeah..sorry guys.. After I found him, I went to was kinda late so.."
"Well, as long as you two are alright." Erza smiled.

    Suddenly the doors opened, revealing Natsu and Happy. "Natsu!" They exclaimed, running over to him.
"Don't go missing like that!" Erza scolded. "Yeah! You freaked us all out!" Wendy added.

   He wasn't really paying attention to them, but was looking in between Gray and Erza's shoulders to..look at me?
"Yeah yeah, sorry guys.." He mumbled, squeezing past them and walking in the direction of me.

   'Crap crap crap crap'

"Luce, I'm sorry about everything.. I'm not sure how you feel or what you thought of that happened-" I cut him off. Why did I cut him off? How did I cut him off is a better question.. Why did I not have any control of this?!

    When I came to realization, my lips were once again pressed against his. My eyes closed, but I felt a thousand pairs on me. "Aww!!" Everyone in the guild cried out, also a few gasps and 'whooohs' were made, but I was only focused on the person in front of me. He was coming back to realization, and I felt a hand go to my waist, and a hand go to my jaw line.

   When we pulled apart, we were both blushing like idiots and taking in breaths. 'Why do I keep cutting him off?😂' Everyone started clapping and I nervously looked down. "It's okay Natsu...there's nothing to be sorry about.. I love you too..."

   We stood speechless and nervous, the noise dying down to see what would happen next. Now it seemed like we were alone. Even with people chattering and talking I didn't listen. Natsu smiled and rested his forehead against mine. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say those four words.." His arms dropped down and wrapped around my waist, pulling me in for a hug. "Luce..will you be my girlfriend" he said quietly.

          'Is that even a question?'

"Did I say that I love you?" I asked.
"Uh..yes.." He answered.
    I pulled away slightly and looked up at him. "Then that's your answer.." I then leaned in and kissed him on his cheek, roars and applause began to bounce off the roof.

"I'm so happy for you guys!!" I heard Levy giggle.

"Yay! You are no longer Love rival!!" Juvia cheered

"Good job dude." Gray gave a thumbs up.

I am super duper extremely sorry! I thought, for some strange reason, that I finished this book a while ago😭😂. I've had this chapter ready to post for sooo long, but never posted it. But, this is the conclusion. So hope you enjoyed!!!!❤️

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