Chapter 3

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POV: Natsu

We exited the train and started heading down the road. It was now dark, the street lights coming on. Luce walked with Happy in her arms, swaying her hips as she walked. When we got to the guild hall and opened the doors, almost everybody was in side.

"Hey guys, how was the job?" Erza asked, sitting in her chair.

"Yeah, how much did you get anyways?" Gray asked

"It was good! We got 400,000 jewels!" Lucy smiled

"Really?! Man.. I told you two that we should have done that job.." Levy said to the two dimwits that follow her around.

We all laughed and sat down at the table were our team was. We talked for a little bit until Lisanna walked up to us.

"Hey, Natsu! Can I talk to you over there?" She asked me, pointing away.

"Uh, sure." I stood up and she grabbed my hand, dragging me to a destination.

POV: Lucy

All the boys left, and the only people who were sitting at the table was me, Juvia, Erza, Levy. And lastly Mira who had just sat down at the table.

"Hey Luce-chan! How did the job go?" Mira asked

"It went great! We got the flower and got it to the costumers within no time!" I smiled

Mira started to have her devilish smirk.

"How was it 'you and Natsu'-wise?" She asked

I blushed at the question.

"W-well..I got him some healing ice from the mountain, and the whole way back here he didn't get sick.." I took a sip from some water I had gotten.

Her mouth turned to a frown.

"Awh, so nothing else happened?" She asked disappointed.

"N-no..why..?" I asked and put the cup down

She sighed and shook her head, her smile coming back.

"Oh, no reason." She said in her sweet voice.

After a bit of silence, Juvia raised her hand.

"Ohh ohh!! Juvia wants to play a game that Wendy-San taught her!" She said excitedly.

"Okay! What game?" Mira asked

"Truth or dare! Apparently, you ask each other questions, or make them do something!" She smiled

      'She didn't know about truth or dare?'

"Okay!" We all smiled

We played for a few minuets, everybody choosing truth except for Erza, who only chose dare. Everybody went, and now it was time for me to be asked.

"Okay love rival, truth or dare?" Juvia asked me.


Juvia tried to think of something, but nothing came up. Mira then moved over and whispered something into Juvia's ear. 'Oh no..'

Juvia nodded her head and wen to speak

"Love rival, is it true that you are in love with Natsu and not Gray-sama?!" Juvia asked

My face went two times as red as usual, and I nervously gulped

"Uh..well..I..I don't know.... I...I....uh..?" I mixed up my words.

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