Chapter 7

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POV: Natsu

   I fell asleep. After a long while though, I was being woken up by a pressure on my body. I opened my eyes to see a dark figure sitting on me.

"Wha-? Who are you?!" I asked, still semi drunk.

    They laughed, which sounded like a real girly laugh, but they didn't smell like Lucy so I got really confused. 'I thought she was going to sleep here...' I got really depressed.

"Why do you look so sad Natsu?" The voice asked me.

'Wait a minuet..that sounds a lot like..'

"Liz?" I asked

    Clouds out side moved and showed the beams of the moon, making the light bounce in through my window. I saw a girl with white short hair.

"Hey Natsu, just curious but why did you leave me last night?" She asked confused

    I raised my brow, and felt her hand slither up my stomach.

"W-what are you" I asked her

   Her grin moved more devious by the second.

"Oh, nothing right this moment.." She moved her body to my side, and when I tried to get up, she pushed me back down.

    She trailed the hand on my stomach down until it reached the edge of my pants. I moved my hand to grab her wrist, but she made a tail to grab my arm with.

"Calm down, I only want you." She winked

   I got disgusted by her actions. 'Ugh..I feel so head is killing me..' I felt so weak, and couldn't fight her on her actions. She was pinning my arms and keeping me on the bed. She slowly started to remove my pants, getting to my boxers

"Liz, I said stop!" I yelled angrily at her.
She just smirked and preceded what she was doing. She climbed back onto me and rested both hands on my chest and stomach. Her face moved up to mine and she hovered over my lips. Just as the gap was closing, a large crash was heard at my door, which made Liz angrily sit up.

"Ugh..what is it now?!" She yelled

  My bedroom door opened and the person turned on the lights. It was Lucy?!

"Lu-!" I tried to call out but Liz put her hand over my mouth.

"Didn't you think that if you were kicked out you shouldn't come back?!" Liz asked annoyed

"Hm? Oh yeah, I just forgot my gate keys over here.." Lucy slowly crept over and snatched her gate keys, quickly picking and pointing one out.

"Open, gate of The Maiden, Virgo!" She shouted, and golden light appeared. Suddenly, Virgo was standing in front of Lucy.

"What can I assist you with, Princess?" Virgo asked

"Virgo, could you please escort this unwanted guest out of here?" Luce asked

"Who said that I am unwanted?!" Liz asked fiercely

"Um, maybe the fact that Natsu keeps, I don't know, asking you to stop!" Luce yelled

  Chains appeared from Virgo's hands and they wrapped around Liz, which made Liz struggle under them.

"W-why can't I shape shift?!" She asked

"My chains are made so if I see it necessary, I can trap a mortals magic energy to lay dormant inside them until I want. You won't be seeing your magic for a day at least." Virgo smirked, then started to drag Liz out of my house.

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