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"Your hair is really soft after you wash it." Connor hummed, running his fingers through Jared's hair and making it stand on end. The two boys were laying on the bed in Jared's room, spending the night peacefully alone with Jared's parents out for a dinner party. Jared's room was a complete mess, with dirty clothes lining the floor and poorly hung posters all over his walls, but Connor didn't mind, he was just glad to be in Jared's room with him. Jared curled up closer to the taller boy, pressing against him.

"Is that implying my hair isn't always soft?" Jared chuckled, wrapping an arm around Connor's neck.

"It's a compliment, Kleinman, take it." Connor rolled his eyes playfully. "It's not everyday you will hear me say something nice about anyone's hair except mine." Jared gave a small huff which made Connor begin a low, rumbling laugh. "God, you're cute." Jared's face flushed and he rested his head on Connor's shoulder.  In return, Connor pulled Jared fully onto his lap, showering his face with kisses all over Jared's cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. Jared giggled, his eyes shutting tight and a wide grin spreading across his face.

"You're such an idiot." Jared rubbed their noses together. Connor smirked and rolled so he was on top of Jared. This caught Jared off guard enough for him to quickly press a kiss against Jared's lips. At first Jared's eyes blinked in surprise, then softened and shut tightly, leaning into the kiss. Connor moved a hand to the back of Jared's head, pulling him closer.

"You are beautiful." Connor murmured against Jared's lips. This made Jared press their lips together harder. Connor grinned and put his other hand on Jared's waist. He still couldn't believe Jared Kleinman was his boyfriend. This beautiful, confident, stunning boy was kissing him back with the same amount of passion. It blew Connor's mind. Jared's stomach suddenly growled and Connor broke the kiss to grin down at him.

"Hungry?" He asked, tilting his head so a small bit of his hair landed on Jared's cheek. Jared nodded up at him. Connor crawled off the bed. "Let's get some food then." He smiled, taking Jared's hand and helping him off the bed. Jared swung their hands as they walked into the kitchen. Connor lifted Jared by his waist and set him on the counter.

"What would you like to eat?" Connor asked, rummaging through a cabinet.

"Pancakes." Jared hummed, swinging his legs. Connor raised an eyebrow.

"You do realize it's dinnertime, right?" He huffed, taking out the pancake mix anyways.

"Yep," Jared nodded, "I still want pancakes." Connor rolled his eyes but began to follow the instructions on the box. It was just the add water type.

"Jared, can you get me a cup of water?" Connor tapped his fingers against the counter. Jared nodded, moving along the counter towards the sink. He didn't spot the measuring cup so he grabbed a small bowl instead, using his memory to guess how much a cup was. He shrugged, moving back to were Connor was and pouring the water into the bowl. Connor hummed and began mixing the batter. When he was done he held out the spoon for Jared to lick. Jared happily ate the uncooked batter.

"Your cooking is absolutely amazing." Jared joked, the spoon was soon spotless. Connor rolled his eyes and tapped Jared's nose with the spoon before setting it in the sink. He set a frying pan on the stovetop and poured some of the batter in. Connor headed back over to Jared, resting between the smaller boy's legs. Jared pressed a kiss to Connor's forehead.

"Thanks for making me dinner." Jared wrapped his legs around Connor's waist.

"Don't get your hopes up, it's not done yet." Connor lifted Jared off the counter, making sure he didn't fall. Jared's eyes widened and he clung to Connor. Connor rocked Jared slightly, almost as if they were dancing.

"Here, I'll put on some music." Jared giggled, pulling out his phone and putting on Love Somebody by Maroon 5. Connor began to chuckle.

"You have such a cheesy music taste." Jared pressed their lips together again, instantly shutting Connor up. With one arm still holding Jared up, Connor's free hand moved to the back of Jared's head. The timer Connor had set beeped, Jared frowned as Connor set him down to check on the pancake. Connor frowned at the pan.

"Uh, I think we messed something up." Connor scratched the back of his neck, looking at Jared.

"What? How do you mess up pancake mix?" Jared demanded, stepping closer to the pan. He looked down at the pancake and blushed, it was too watery, making the pancake too thin. Jared did not want to eat it. Connor smirked down at him.

"How do you mess up pancake mix, huh?"

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