"I Can't Bear To Be Apart From You."

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"I know you feel the same Arthur." Merlin cried. The prince spat "You know nothing." As he said this he slammed his chamber doors shut. Instead of enraging he burst in to tears and fell to the floor. He couldn't accept his feelings. He knew he had fallen for Merlin but he was doing everything he could to avoid admitting it. If anyone found out he loved another man he would be taunted, it was forbidden and Arthur felt ashamed. Despite this his heart ached for Merlin. Shouting at his servant was not what he desired but he felt sick to think of what he actually wanted to do with the man. Before all of this Merlin had confessed his love for Arthur and the prince had lost it. Mainly because he was so angry Merlin could be open and he couldn't but also because it made things so much harder. If Merlin wasn't in love with Arthur the prince could just marry some princess and forget about it all but the fact his servant yearns for him too made it impossible for Arthur to think of anyone else.

Days had passed since the outburst and neither man had seen each other. The young Pendragon's heart was heavy and he wanted to see Merlin but on the other hand he didn't as it would make things more difficult if he had to face him. Music played through the halls and guests danced while others drank. King Uther was hosting a gathering for some of his friends and allies to celebrate his daughter's engagement to Prince Alfred of Elgon. Arthur, suited and booted strolled in to the hall with his head held high trying to thing about other things than his servant. He shook hands with guests and laughed with some of the ladies. But then he spotted him. Merlin held a tray of drinks and smiled while serving. The prince's eyes widened and he couldn't peel them off his servant. He wanted to go over there and take his hand and ask him dance. The serving boy noticed Arthur staring and his eyes sparkled, he looked him up and down and smirked then walked away. No matter how hard he tried throughout the evening Arthur found himself watching Merlin's every move. He was infatuated. He didn't care if people could tell. All he cared about was finally admitting it.

The feast had finished and Arthur had sent for Merlin to come to his room. The raven haired boy arrived and walked in. The prince locked the door behind his servant. Merlin, at this point a bit confused, asked "Arthur what's going on?" Arthur stared to unbutton his own shirt and whispered "Don't talk Merlin." The servant took a breath and after a few seconds both men had stripped down to nothing. For a while they just stood there and admired each other. This was the first time they were seeing their beloved naked and wanted to take it in. Arthur slowly edged towards Merlin and he stroked his servants face. Merlin traced his fingers over Arthur's chest, then entwined them in to his blonde locks and pulled him close. Their lips crashed together and their tongues fought for dominance. Arthur, not releasing from the kiss wrapped Merlin around his waist and lifted him up. He lay him down on the bed and began to explore his body. The two men moaned and smiled between every kiss.

Arthur opened his eyes and was pleased with what he saw. Merlin was fast asleep and had his fingers interlocked with the prince's. Arthur gently let go of him, trying not to wake Merlin but his eyes started to open. Merlin whispered "Morning," Arthur chuckled and replied "Morning beautiful." Lying there watching the sun come through the window, Arthur began to play with Merlin's hair and he whispered "I'm sorry." Merlin took his head off Arthur's chest and replied "sorry for what?" The prince answered "for not accepting how I felt and pushing you away." The serving boy smiled and asked "what do we do now though? I can't bear to be apart from you but we can't exactly tell everyone." Arthur softly pushed Merlin's head back down on to his chest and played with his hair once more. He placed a kiss on the boys head and reacted "We will think of something."

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