"You're Life Is Worth More Than Mine."

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 The king pulled out of his embrace with his wife and looked in to her eyes. "I have to go. We need to rescue Sir Leon." Gwen looked concerned and answered "Be careful." He shouted for Merlin to fetch the horses, picked up his sword and left his chambers.

Arthur, his trusted servant and friend Merlin and many knights set out in the early hours of the morning to find their beloved leader Sir Leon. It had been apparent when the warning bells were sounded that Sir Leon's chambers had been raided and he had vanished. The men entered the forest unknown of what was to become. As they fell deeper under trees that shaded them from the sun they noticed a body lying still on the ground. Panic invaded the men's faces as they saw Camelot colours. "LEON." Arthur screamed. He jumped off his horse and ran towards the injured man. His guess was right it was Sir Leon, barely recognisable though due to his wounds and scars. "Merlin, the medical kit bring it to me." 

The young serving boy jolted towards his king with the bag and knelt beside Leon. The king and Merlin's eyes met and with worry Arthur spoke "Merlin you might have to use your magic." Merlin nodded and Arthur placed his hand on his servants shoulder. Mumbling words Merlin's eyes had now switched to gold and he concentrated hard. His spell was broke however by the noise and charge of enemy soldiers.

"There he is, King Arthur, get him!" Yelled one of the men. Arthur's men guarded him and shouted "protect the king." Groups of men charged towards each other swinging their swords in hope of slashing one another down. The king scanned around, looking for Merlin and when he found him he shouted "Merlin, get out of here now." The serving boy ignored Arthur's demands and continued to fight. The leader of the enemy soldiers had killed 4 of Arthur's men and was closing in on the king himself. Merlin, bruised and bleeding stumbled towards the king and ordered "Get out of here, take Sir Leon and get to safety." Arthur looking confused answered "Why should I do that. I'm not leaving you here." Merlin shook his head and responded "You're life is worth more than mine." The king, with tears in his eyes spoke "never say that again, you mean something to me." Percival, one of Arthur's knights, shouted towards him "He's right, get out of here and take Sir Leon. We will defeat them on our own."

Arthur scooped his friend up in to his arms and climbed upon his horse and left his men fighting in his name. He came across a cavern and slowed down. Placing Leon down on his coat he looked up at the stars and whispered "Be careful" Across the forest the king's men and Merlin had destroyed the enemy and had fled the area to find safety. Merlin looked up at the stars and whispered "Be careful."

*The next day, in Camelot*

Looking out of his window Arthur spotted Merlin walking through the citadel and heading towards his home. Arthur dashed down the stairs and ran towards Merlin. Catching his breath he spoke slowly "Merlin I wanted to thank you for your bravery yesterday." The servant smiled and responded "You're welcome." The king, without thinking, stroked Merlin's face and whispered "I don't know what I'd do without you." Merlin placed his hand over Arthur's and replied "You will always have me. No one will stop that." The two were so wrapped up with each other that they failed to notice the queen and wife to Arthur watching the both of them in the distance with an angry look on her face...

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