Where Is Merlin?

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Relaxed in my chambers I lay waiting for Merlin to come and tell me what I needed to do today. When he didn't arrive my usual annoyance wasn't there in fact it was panic. Recently I had been having odd feelings towards Merlin; it was as though I saw him in a different light. I'm sure it is just a silly crush and it will pass. Gaius came rushing in "My lord Merlin did not return home last night, he was running an errand for me but he hasn't been home." I tried not to show my fear but as soon as Gaius had told me Merlin hadn't returned home the worst thoughts came to my mind. "Gaius thank you for informing me I will personally take a group of my men to search for him."

 I strolled towards the council meeting I was meant to be in. "Ah Arthur you are late, sit down." My father's voice boomed. "Father I'm afraid I will not be staying for today's meeting I need my best men to help me come and search for Merlin." My father scoffed "The serving boy. This meeting is more important." Anger pulsed through my veins as I answered "He is missing I need to find him." The King looked down at me and scowled "A servant should not be worth your time or effort." "He isn't just a servant, he's my friend and I care about him deeply. I'm leaving NOW." I shouted back at my father. Surrounded by my men I entered the forest further, there was still no sign of him. He had been missing for nearly 24 hours now. Fear started to eat me up. Merlin for god sake where are you? Out of the corner of my eye I spotted someone draped in mud with raven coloured hair. I smiled to myself, I recognised that hairstyle. "Merlin is that you?" I called out. The petite boy spun around and beamed. "Arthur." He shouted while running towards me. I met him halfway and swung my arms around him, pulling him close I whispered in to his ear "You worried me; don't ever get lost again you dollop head."

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