Chapter 10

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Camila has been trying to put her thoughts into words; to get a better understanding of how she feels in order to get Shawn to understand how she feels.

Her feelings for Lauren are unexplainable, but she knows that ultimately, Shawn is the better option; the safer option.

"Babe, can I talk to you?" Camila asks after approaching her boyfriend. Shawn turns around with a smile that soon disappears after noticing the look on his girlfriend's face.

"Yeah, what's up?" He asks with a worried look on his face. Camila takes a deep breath before telling him everything. Her feelings for Lauren, what happened in the classroom, everything.

After she's finished, Shawn takes a second to fathom what he was just told. After a minute or so, he drops his head and runs his fingers through his hair. This news wasn't very surprising to him. He knew what had happened between Camila and Lauren and was aware of how the former felt about the latter.

He's always had a huge crush on Camila, but just when he considered asking her out, she was with Austin, and right after Austin came Lauren. When Camila and Lauren broke up, he saw an opening that he didn't want to miss, so he asked her out.

In the back of his mind he knew that Camila wasn't over Lauren. It didn't matter to him because he finally made the girl his and he felt as though their relationship would be invincible, but that was the initial happiness of having her as his girl that gave him that feeling. Now reality has set in.

"Shawn," Camila called softly as she gently put her hand on the side of his face. He looked up, tears furiously pouring out of his already blood shot eyes. Making him cry was the last thing that Camila wanted to do, but he had to know the truth.

Shawn sighed softly before giving Camila one last good look of his face just so she could see what she had done to him.

"It's over." He said in a low tone before walking away. To him, Camila didn't seem like the type of person to do that to someone and she was the only one that could've proven him wrong, and she did.

Tears began to brim Camila's eyes as she watched him walk away from her. She didn't want the conversation to go like that. She wanted him to stay with her and, ultimately, forgive her because of the person he seemed to be. She should've known it wasn't going to go that way. During their relationship, Shawn actually showed Camila that he was a very self respecting person and told her verbally that he wouldn't stay with anyone who had cheated on him. She didn't really pay attention to anything he said or did because her mind was always on Lauren, which has just bit her in the ass.

Camila runs out to her car before getting in and calling Dinah. About five minutes later, Dinah is climbing into the passenger seat of the car with a concerned look on her face. Camila tells Dinah everything and asks her if she could come to her house with her. Dinah calls Lauren, much to Camila's dismay. Lauren eventually shows up and is handed Dinah's car keys.

"Drive my car to Mila's house. I'm gonna ride with her." Dinah said with a serious look on her face. Lauren runs to the car and starts it up before following Camila and Dinah to the mansion.

Lauren has not the slightest clue in the world as to what's going on or why she was dragged into going to Camila's house. She noticed that Camila seemed to be in distress but couldn't figure out why.

Eventually, they arrive at Camila's house. They park their cars before all three enter the house.

Camila begins walking up stairs and without any verbal communication, the two others follow suit.

Dinah and Camila sit on the bed in silence as Lauren stands at the door awkwardly. A few minutes later, she decides to speak up.

"Soooo, what happened?" She asked.

"I told Shawn what happened in the classroom and he broke up with me." Camila said with a sigh. Lauren chuckled a bit, earning a threatening stare from Dinah.

"I'm sorry but that relationship wasn't going anywhere anyway." Lauren stated. Camila stood up and quickly walked over to the girl, slapping her fairly hard.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You've been causing drama in my life since the beginning and I don't understand why. Who the fuck raised you to be so cocky and inconsiderate? That's one shitty ass trait to have and after what you've put me through, I'm done. Dinah, please get her out of my house." Camila said angrily.

"Maaaan, I didn't even do anything." Lauren began to whine as Dinah dragged her out of the room, down the stairs and out the house.

"I'll be back Mila!" Dinah yelled from the front door before closing it behind her.

"You're dumb as fuck." Dinah sighed as she walked to her car with Lauren.

"How? I just stated the truth. If Camila's in love with me, there's no way she could've survived in a relationship with him." Lauren shrugged. Dinah started the car and turned to her.

"She was trying to move on from you and you completely ruined that. She tried to make it work with you and you blew it, now let her be with someone that'll appreciate her in ways that you seem to be incapable of." Dinah said as she began driving to Lauren's house.

"But I don't want her to move on, that's the thing. I want her to be mine and the last thing I want is for her to be happy without me." Lauren said.

"That's the most selfish shit I've ever heard." Dinah started as she began to get angry. "Camila is a good person and you completely fucked her over and the LEAST you could do is let her be happy without you." She finished. Lauren sighed and that was the end of the conversation.

Lauren wasn't purposefully being an ass towards Camila. She really did want her, she just didn't know how to act.

A/N: I did not mean for this update to take so long. It's like time went by so quickly after posting my last author's note, I apologize.


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