"Girl," he whispers in her ear, "get up."

Oceane doesn't have time to react and a gasp of protest leaves my lips before I can stop it as I watch him roughly pull her up by the hair.

She cries out in pain.

It's then that I am able to take in the dried blood that is on her- spilling from punctures upon her body. The scratches and bruises that color her once beautiful ivory skin.

The King watches me with critical eyes, "Oh?"

I swallow, trying to keep my face neutral as I watch tears come down Oceane's face.


He looks between Oceane and me, something sinister entering those red eyes.

"Could it be....Little star....that you favor this girl?"

It's a trap.

I can feel the double edge sword that is being pressed against my throat.

If I said I did, he would have power over me. If I said I didn't, he would try to prove it by hurting her further.

"I favor all children of the light," I said, my voice void of any emotion.

"No...," he shakes his head, "No this is different. Do you want to know how I can tell?"

I keep my gaze level, not daring to look at her as he speaks, "She visits you. And you cry for her when you send her away. Then you visit her and...." a smile that sends licks of cold sweat down my back appears on his face as he lands the final dagger within me, "you kiss her."

"A kiss can mean anything," I said, still holding no emotion. Still not willing to give in.

"Mmmhh, but you see Little Star, loveless I may be, I can still see it within others. Not once have you kissed me?" He sounds almost miffed at the idea as he pulls Oceane further up by her hair, a strangled cry of pain leaving her.

I stare at him, thinking back to our encounters together and realizing his words were true.

Not once had our lips touched.

"You can barely handle my blood," I scoff, "I doubt you could handle my lips."

"Oh bravo, bravo," he brings his hands together, clapping them. Oceane moves with him, her hair still gathered within his grip.

I take another thick swallow, my mind racing as to how I can get her out of his grip.

I remember Saint's words.

I've kept her safe you know.


Whenever his eyes roam to her...I volunteer...

It's all part of a plan.

I take a shuddered breath when the words sink into me.

You might be wondering why I didn't fuck you?

It's because....I want you to be begging for it...

A trap.

A cleverly laid trap that he had designed and that I had fallen into.

I could almost see the steps he had laid out now.

The reason for why Ocene never was harmed as she visited me. Had Jonaus even been with her one time? Showing her the way?

The reason for why she was saved last.

Why he told her he was taking her beforehand, instead of just grabbing her like he did with the other girls.

His glowing red eyes gleam out at me as I take a step closer.

And closer.

Just a moment of weakness.

I allow myself just one, as I look down to meet the wide, fearful stare of Oceane- her hair still gripped tightly within the King's hand.

It's small, but I see her give a slight shake of her head.

I ignore it.

I'm in front of him now, looking into his red eyes.

"Say it," he whispers.

I feel my hands curl into fists at the sound of his eager, breathless voice.

"Kiss me," I said.

He laughs and shakes his head, "You know the right words Little star."

I feel heat spread across me at the shame, the humiliation he is subjecting me to.

In response, he shakes Oceane's hair, his grip causing her to cry in pain again.

The sound has me closing my eyes and steeling myself for when I reopen them and see red.

I look into the face of the King and whisper, "fuck me."  


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