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Chapter Two.


Of course Isla wanted to be daring and rebellious. She wanted to live her life, find love, be able to walk down stairs again without gripping on to someone so tight her knuckles go the colour of her hair. But, she just couldn't. All her life, she was the little girl with bows in her hair, wearing little dresses and did everything she was told. She stayed to herself, finished her homework, never broke a rule. She was a little angel.

But she had demons haunting her.

"You what?!" Mr. Payne's voice boomed through the small house, almost making the walls shake. He slammed down his beer on the wooden table, almost cracking the bottle.

"I- I didn't mean to! I'm sorry-y!" 7 year old Isla shrieked, her bottom plump lip trembling. As long as she stayed away from the stairs, she'd be fine.

"You freaking brat! How dare you?!" You see, she really didn't mean to break the vase. She was running around in the house, having fun. Until her bow slipping out of her smooth hair, skidding across the floor under the table. Isla just simply crawled under, and grabbed it. Of course, just her luck she got up too fast, hitting her head, making the table shake. Which caused the cheap blue vase come crashing down onto the hardwood floor. Pieces of glass scatter across the floor, waking the snoring beast on the couch.

"Please! Daddy, I'm sorry!" Here it comes. Isla held her breath, salty tears rolled down her puffy cheeks as he dragged her towards the basement stairs.

And this demon, is a 42 year old man with a bushy beard. Liam and Isla's father.

Isla's heart beat sped up, and hammered against her chest as they walked up the paved driveway. Their pale yellow house in view. Her fingers started fidgeting, nails tapping against each other, hands interlocking, anything. The humid air surrounded them, making sweat trickle down the back of her neck. Something about Marianna always frightened Isla. She wasn't even that scary, she looked like your average mom. She had dark brown hair, slight silver greys poked out at the roots. Her hair was always pulled into a painfully tight bun, showing off her high cheek bones. Marianna's eyes were a pretty dark blue, and were bold with the dark and slightly clumpy mascara. Her skin was tan, but not as dark as Zayn's. She had a long and slender body type, with curvy hips and large breasts. She was average. She didn't have long fangs and dark eyes and claws, although Isla acted like she did.

Isla was daunted at how faultless she was. As if she's never made a mistake, never chipped a nail.

As Liam pushed the large door open, they were blasted with the smell of cinnamon.

"Liam? Isla? May I speak with you please?" Even her voice was unnaturally beautiful. It was silky and smooth, and calming. It could make babies stop crying and old people start smiling. Isla hated how insecure she felt around a woman twice her age.

The two teenagers looked at each other, Isla's eyes filled with worry. It will be fine, just follow my lead. Liam signed.

"Alright." Isla let out a short breath, calming herself. Liam marched into the kitchen with confidence, as Isla followed cautiously behind.

The small kitchen was a slight mess, there were various cooking tools scattered about the white marble counter. There was about two trays of cinnamon buns cooling by the stove, and Marianna folded her dirty apron on the counter, fixing her 'comfy' pants.

Hi Marianna, you wanted to talk to us?

Liam signed, an innocent smile placed upon his thin lips. Marianna sighed, leaning against the counter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2014 ⏰

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