24 Dumbledore's Office and Explanations. A Lot of Explanations.

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Flora's POV.

Right now I am standing in Dumbledore's office. He had summoned me to his room this morning. Yesterday was a mess, after freeing Sirius we came back to the infirmary and stayed there. Today, being the last of school and all, we were let out and when we were having breakfast a letter got to me.

Now I am impatiently waiting for him arrive. My nerves almost jumping out of my skin. "I am sorry for the delay." I heard a voice say. I jumped and turned around. Dumbledore was smiling at me. He walked and sat down behind his desk. Then he smiled at me, "Sorry, Professor." I said. His eyes twinkled and he extended his hand "No problem. Please sit." I obeyed and sat in front of him.

I don't know why but I was feeling extremely uncomfortable. After some time I got the courage to ask "Why didn't you tell me I was Harry's sister?" He gave me a sweet smile and answered "Because, dear, it was not my secret to tell you. Anyways, how are you feeling?" I was angry that he just pushed the question away like it was nothing, but I was not about to answer and question a professor. "Fine, a little sad but fine." I still had not heard news from Sirius, even though I did not expect to get a letter that soon.

I looked back at him and saw he was anxious about something. That is when I realized, he did not call me here to see how I was doing. "Why did you call me here, Professor." I asked, suspiciously. He smiled "You know what is that gift of yours Flora?" Now we were getting somewhere, I thought. "I know it is related to the sun, I can heal extremely fast when my skin touches the sunlight, I can also absorb the light and heat of the sun and create fireballs." I concluded. He nodded "That is great power you have. But it comes with great consequences." I thought about it. "The Shrieking Shack." I gasped. Dumbledore nodded "You were in a place where the sunlight didn't reach you did it?" I shook my head. He stood up and started walking around "See, your name, Flora, roughly translates to flower. Flowers take energy from the sun." He paused and created a illusion of a flower with his wand. "But if a flower stays without sunlight." He motioned with his wand and the flower got brown and fragil. "It dies." I breathed.

He nodded slowly. "You are able to manipulate the sunlight however you wish, even heal yourself with its power. But also, like a flower if you stay to much time without sunlight, you wither." I bobbed my head, understanding soaking through my whole body. That explained a lot, but I still had more questions "Where did this powers come from, sir?" I asked.

He continued pacing, heading towards his library. I followed. He grabbed a dusty old book and started flipping around "It is an extremely ancient gift Flora. So ancient everyone pretty much forgot about it. It used to run in the Potter's woman's blood, a long, long time ago. But another wizard, a powerful one cursed your family. Making it only possible for the power to come back in a half-blood Potter woman. As a pureblood family, they refused to even try it, and the gift became a forgotten legend, and from a legend it became a whisper in the wind and nothing more. That is, until your father came along. Your grandparents did not mind who he married, even supported his choice.  They did not know about the gift and yet fate set them together. Your father, a pureblood, and your mother, a muggle-born. First they had your brother, then you. And you were finally able to carry the gift again." He found the page he was looking for and showed it to me.

The book was so old I was afraid that if I touched the pages they would crumple. So I just looked at the picture. It was of a woman, the sun, a crown on top of her head, flowers blooming at her feet, animals surrounding her. "Wow" I breathed. He nodded "Indeed. But see, my darling. You have a connection not only with the sun and flowers but with the nature in general." My eyes widened at that. He closed the book and we headed back to his table. We sat down and he continued "A fast person would  change to an Animagui with about 3 years of training, you did it in a little bit more than 6 months with only a book to teach you."

While he spoke I realized it was true. In the book it even said turning into a Animagui was extremely complicated. "That is why when I conjured my Patronus it was not one animal but all of them, wasn't it?" He was quiet, simply smiling, and that was answer enough. That is when I remembered something he said some months ago. God, it was only some months ago, it feels like years! Life was much simpler then. I thought.

"Sir, you said Hippogriffs can sense special abilities, and you said I had one. That is what you meant right? The reason Buckbeak allowed me to get so close and calm him down? Because of my connection to the nature?" He grinned and nodded.

Then he got up and I followed suit. I was a little confused on what was going to happen, so as he sighed and walked close to me I frowned, waiting for him to say something. "Ahh. I won't keep you here anymore. It is the last day of school after all. Go, and have fun." I smiled and headed for the door. "Thank you Professor." He smiled and those eyes shone underneath the half moon spectacles. "Oh! I almost forgot. Flora." I stopped and looked at him. "Just so you know. Underage wizards are not permitted to use any type of magic away from school grounds." My shoulder sagged a bit by that. "But..." He continued, and got my hopes up "The Ministry track them by their wands mostly. And there is no way they would find out if you were using a power that come from you, you know, if you need to use it for really important things." He smiled and I smiled back. "Good to know sir." I said. Then I continued to walk to the door.

But when I was turning the doorknob and opening the door I remembered something. "Ah! Sir? Can you please don't tell anyone about my true heritage please? I prefer to keep it the way it is for now." He nodded and I was leaving the chamber when the sound of his voice stopped me "May I ask why, though Flora?" I looked back and shrugged "I am not sure, really. I think I just don't want people over me and treating me different." I answered truthfully. He smiled and let me leave.

I slowly headed to the Great Hall, going through the conversation all over again, until I heard my friends heading toward me. Then I smiled and went to meet them, like the conversation never happened.

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