3 The Letter

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I know I am doing a lot of time skip but I am only doing this because it would stay way too one if I did not.

[time-skip to Flora's twelfth birthday]

Flora's POV.

I woke up very happy (and late) this Thursday. My twelfth birthday finally arrived! I was smiling while I changed and headed down stairs. Usually I had school on Thursday but this was a free week because they were reforming the buildings. Right in my birthday! I was so lucky! I headed down stairs about 9:45am and entered the kitchen, my parents were waiting for me for my special breakfast.

The kitchen was simple but very sophisticated. The blank with dark blue pattern tiles matched perfectly with the pear floor. It had few things, a refrigerator, a stove and a table where my parents were waiting for me with a paper in their hands. When I arrived here, about 7 years ago I stayed disoriented but I soon found my way through.

I arrived at the table and with a bone crushing hug and a long lasting kiss in the cheek Oliver and Christine said "Happy Birthday darling, I don't believe you are 12 years old now!" I smiled and said "thanks dad, mum." Then I sat down and had my special breakfast. It consisted in two toasts with jam, and two small eggs on top of each and one bacon on each. The bacon was the mouth, the toast the face and the eggs the eyes. I smiled to myself. It was and "old" tradition and I never got tired of it.

I devoured my special breakfast said to my parents thanks and got up to brush my teeth. Today we were going to see what I wanted as a birthday present. But before I had the chance to walk my dad called me and said in a serious tone "Flora, there is something me and your mother want to tell you" oh, oh. My dad NEVER talk to me in a serious tone, specially in my birthday. I sat down glancing at them, "see, we got this letter..." My mother started, she showed me the letter she was holding. This could not be good I thought.

Well I was wrong. My mother than continued "remember what you told us sometime ago? That when you got hurt it healed itself, but only if you were in the sun? That you thought it was magic? Well by the look of this letter magic is real and... I think you should read the letter to understand." She finished handing me the letter. I looked at the front of the letter: it had a red seal engraved with a lion, a snake, a badger, and a eagle, in the mottle there was a H. I opened and read not believing my eyes:

Dear Miss Flora Lily Chains,

We would like to inform you, you had been accepted to the school of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Below go your list of books, later on the first trimester we will send other materials you will need. Terms start next September so you have 6 more months on your Muggle school. Also we apologize for the 1 year delay of your letter.

Headmaster of Hogwarts: Albus Dumbledore.

I could not believe it! I was a witch! I was thinking of going upstairs to start practicing magic when a post-script suddenly appeared as if reading my thoughts:

P.S: underage wizards or witches are not allowed to practice magic outside of Hogwarts. But, wizards and witches start first year in Hogwarts by the age of 11 and due to the confusion of where your letter was sent you will be starting in second year. Your letter was sent to your last 2 houses before but we finally found where you area living, and due the consequences the Ministry of Magic has agreed to let you practice first year spells by yourself. ONLY first years spells. My groundskeeper Hagrid will be there any moment to get you to you go to Diagon Alley. Professor Dumbledore.

My smile faded but I still had a smirk at my face and as if waiting for a cue the doorbell rang. I ran to open the door with my parents hot on my heels. When I opened the door a giant man with bushy brown beard was standing there.my mouth was hanging open, he must be Hagrid but I had already seen that exact man in one of my dream that I consecutive had.

In my dream I saw this man, Hagrid flying down and letting two babies in a doorstep, he was with a tall old man with long white beard. Then I heard a hissing voice and a flash of green light. Then I always would wake up sweating cold.

My parents welcomed him and then he said, still standing by the door "we have to hurry to Diagon Alley. Hey Flora no time no see. Those Muggles the... what were their names? Blue family? Red family? Something like that. They gave Professor Dumbledore and I lot of troubles." I being the polite girl I grew up to be answered his question "t-the Greens family sir." He kindly smiled at me "call me Hagrid. Do you have a car?" My dad nodded and we headed to the car.

Hagrid went in the back with me barely fitting. My mom and dad went in the front, Hagrid guiding them. Thoughts flooding my head: I was a witch! That actually makes sense but I could not believe it! I wonder what color will be my wand? Will I have a wand? What spells will I learn, I want to learn one to clean my clothes and do my chores!

I was still thinking when Hagrid announced "we arrived." I looked at the car clock it read 10:57am, we got out of my home 10:05am. We had been in the car for 52 minutes! It looked like 10! Anyways I got out of the car, we were in front of a small bar. I opened my mouth to say something but closed when we entered the bar. Why was Hagrid taking us here? He led us to the back of the bar, in front of a brick wall, with my parents holding me close I gaped in amazement as the brick started to move apart reveling a whole other dimension. Hagrid turned to us and with a smile in his face "well, let's buy your things! Welcome to Diagon Alley!" He said throwing his hand in the air.

A/N: I would really like to thank @LPS_Angel_Daschund for helping me public my story. Thank you very much!

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