2 Abandoned and Rescued

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This is my second chapter and I was just going to say I got the idea of the kicking and punching from the book "Forgotten Prophecy (Harry Potter Sister fanfic)" from @LPS_Angel_Daschund. It is really good, you should read it.

[Time-skip to when Flora is 5 years old]

Third POV.

Time in the Green house had been... awful to Flora. The first months were great but then Margaret got pregnant and things just went down hill. When the baby was born they named him Icarus. Then they started to ignore Flora and taught their son to do the same. The couple still made food and bought close to Flora but in the meantime they acted as if she did not exist, they despised her.

Flora grew knowing little about her past. The only thing she knew was her name was Flora Lily and her birthday was on October 7. Right now she was 5 and she grew to be a beautiful girl, Professor Dumbledore hypothesis was right and her auburn hair was until under the shoulder, curly on the edges. Flora grew up being mistreated by her younger "brother." Icarus kicked and punched her and his fathers ignored all the fuss. But she also grew up to love the nature, be respectful and kind, all mornings she would wake up leave so she could just feel the sun on her skin. She loved the warmth the sun produced, it almost seemed it gave her strengths.

Flora's. POV.

Today was a normal day to me. The only difference is that I woke up earlier than usual. I tip-toed down stairs opened the front door and went outside. The warmth of the sun welcomed me, I looked right above me took a deep breath and started walking.

While walking I though about what Alfred had told me. Yesterday after Icarus was done kicking me I came outside, when my bruised skin touched the sunlight it healed itself. It was not the first time something magical happened but when I came inside Alfred took a good look at me and said "where are your bruises Green?" Alfred always called me by my last name. Though that was not my actual last name, I never knew and I think I never will know. Anyways, I grew up leaning I should not tell lies and I should help all of those in need. So my answer was the purest truth of all "I went outside and when I got in the sun they healed themselves, it was like magic sir!" Alfred looked extremely angry and said "there is not such thing as magic Green! Get a better lie next time!" I opened my mouth to answer but he went back on doing whatever he was doing, ignoring me completely. My little "brother" was just looking at me with a evil smirk in his face.

It was a Saturday and when I came back Icarus was already playing basketball on the pavement street. He was about to throw the ball when he saw me and tripped. He fell and I saw his knew bleeding, he was 4 and I was 5 so I still felt I was responsible for him, so I ran up to him right when he started crying.

I tried to make him stop crying and feel better. Because again I was raised to help those in need. Then I put my hand over his bruises careful not to touch them. I am not sure how I knew but suddenly my hands started glowing and his cuts started healing. When it was done I had an amused look in my face I looked up and I saw a bunch of emotions on Icarus's face. Horror, fear, a little bit of amusement and anger. The most predominant was anger and suddenly I felt a fist in my face.

I am small and young so there was nothing I could do. I fell at the floor and cuddled in a ball as he started kicking me right in the street. This was one of the strongest time he had kicked me, my vision was all blurry and then I just saw a small feet going right to my face. Then I fainted.

I woke up the sun was hidden behind the house and I felt weak. I tried my best to sit up and localize myself, I was in the edge of the street shaking badly. I had bruises all over me and the I felt blood. Suddenly I started crying, hugging my knees I was thinking "I am not going back there ever again! Why did he do that to me? Why is he so mean to me? I was just trying to help! I am afraid." My thoughts were interrupted when I heard someone rushing over to me.

They were a couple. Woman and man. They kneeled down beside me and I saw a concerned look in their faces. "What happened said the lady in a gentle but calming voice. The man tried to touch me but I stumbled back, the man recoiled his hand and then I explained what had happened stumbling with my words.

Then they took me to a hospital and they did a check-up on me. When I got out I already was friends with the couple. I learned somethings about them. Their names were Christine and Oliver Chains, they always wanted a special daughter but for some reason they could not have children. Then I hear Oliver say "Flora, do you want that we take you back to your house?" I shook my head in a violently no and he smiled "we were thinking then, do you wanna come live with us? We can adopt you if you want." I shook my head in a yes and tears strung my eyes. I could not believe I was going to live with such wonderful people!

The Chains got the thin folder with my information and adopted me. Mr. Green and Mrs. Green were willing to give me away happily and when I got to my new house, presents were waiting for me close to the fireplace with hot chocolate and cookies nearby. I smiled to myself, now my name was Flora Lily Chains and I liked it.

Bye, bye Green family! I will surely not miss you!

All I have to say is "read Forgotten Prophecy (Harry Potter Sister fanfic) from @LPS_Angel_Daschund"

Harry Potter Sister || CompleteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora