10 Eclipse

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[time skip to that Saturday]

Flora's POV.

One thing that I learned over this first week of school is that I only have time to write to my parents in the weekends. Now I am on my desk writing my first letter to them. It is for now 2 pages long and now I was explaining about Harry and the others friends I made.

Remember that I told you guys about this guy that defeated a great dark wizard? Well, I just met him! His name is Harry Potter, I am in the Quidditch team with him. I am also in the same house as him and his friends. I always hang out with him and his friends. Their names are: Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ron's sister Ginny Weasley. I met most of them in the train and share a dorm with Hermione and Ginny. I am loving here!


I reread the letter and thought it explained pretty much all my week. I called Ash and put the letter on her feet. I watched as she flew away. Then I threw myself in bed, the trio, Fred and George had gone to Hogsmade. Well 'Mione and Ron went, Harry couldn't. I started thinking about my first week. After Flying I turned out to be the best in Potions and Snape started to like me. And I really started to like him, specially since one day ago.

Flashback, Friday

I was walking to my Potions period with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Ron and 'Mione were arguing because Ron was accusing Hermione's cat of eating his rat. I frowned, at fist I though his rat was cute but since the first day of school I started to hate Scrabbers.

I was passing my hand through my scar while Harry said "so, who you think it will be?" I shuddered. Today in breakfast Dumbledore had told that second graders who excelled in all classes would have special classes only third years up had.

We had arrived at Snape's class and while we entered he said in his monotone voice "10 points off from Gryffindor for being late." The Slytherins, specially Malfoy smirked and I realized Snape was a a worst mood than he usually was.

I sat down quietly and listened attentively. He said we had to brew a specially hard potion and I started. Everyone was asking him questions, that is everyone except me. I quietly sat there brewing my potions as the instructions instructed.

I looked up a few times and once I saw Malfoy ask him a question. At that Snape had enough and said "enough! I will be grading what you have with no more questions. And Mr. Malfoy, if you have questions with a potion so easy, I will assign tutoring with miss Chains."

I silently smirked as everyone went to their places. When the professor was not looking I summoned the small amount of sunlight there was in the room to create a small ball of fire. Malfoy looked frightened and me and my friends were holding back a laughter.

In the end I was the only one who passed and when we got out Ginny said "I don't believe it! And when is your tutoring with Malfoy?" I smirked "tomorrow at 3:34pm."

End of flashback

I bolted strait up and looked at the clock. It read 3:32pm. How could I have forgotten? I have to give him tutoring now! I got some of my potions books and ran around the empty halls, trying to get to the courtyard. We were meeting there.

On a sharp turn almost getting to the courtyard I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry" I said. "Look where your going, kid!" She said. That voice, it could not be... I looked up fearing what I would see and when our eyes met each other we said in astonishment "Alicia!?" "Chains?!" I was stunned "what are you doing in here?" I asked, fury growing inside of me. "I am asking the same for you." I looked at her badge and saw it was a snake so I smirked and said, while passing by "I am going to go tutor Draco Malfoy if you excuse me." I walked by her and when I went into the sunny courtyard I busted out laughing.

Then I saw him. I stopped laughing abruptly and went to sit with him. He got a little bit away from me and we stayed there in silent for a moment. "So.. what were you laughing at." He asked. "None of your business" I rudely answered. "Can we get over it?" I agreed with him and started "teaching" him. That is, until the eclipse happened. The sun suddenly disappeared covered by the moon.

Suddenly my vision went blurry and I felt weak. Weaker than ever felt, I then fell to the floor, barely conscious. Malfoy got up and said "not so brave in the dark uh?" All the fear he had of me went away and he went away as I fell unconscious.

Harry's POV.

I was coming back from Hogsmade when the eclipse happened. I was arriving in the courtyard with Ron all of a sudden became dark and I could barely see the things around me. When the light started coming back to normal I saw Malfoy coming from the courtyard. I looked at the direction he was coming from and saw a bunch of red hair in the floor. "Ron" I said worrying filling me "what?" He answered. He had not see it yet. Without stoping walking I said "Ron go help Flora, after I follow you!"

He then saw what happened and rushed to help her. I stormed off to where Malfoy was. I was full of anger, I knew he had tutoring with her today but what the hell did he do with her? I arrived from his back and locked him in the wall "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I shouted at him. He tried to get out but my grip was too strong "GET OFF ME POTTER! I DID NOT DO ANYTHING!" Such a lier! "OH! YOU DID NOTHING!? SO WHY IS FLORA UNCONSCIOUS ON THE FLOOR?!?!" I asked, well shouted. "IT WAS NOT ME! THE BLOODY MUDBLOOD JUST FAINTED WHEN THE ECLIPSE STARTED!"

How dare he? How dare he call Flora a mudblood? She was my friend and I would not aloud him to call ANY of my friends such a word! I opened my mouth to say that when Ron shouted "HARRY! SHE IS WAKING UP!!" I shot a last death glare at him and rushed to where Flora was starting to move.

Flora's POV.

I started to move but stopped when I heard Ron's voice "should we take her to the Hospital Wing?" That made me wake up, I sat straight up and dizziness hit me hard. I almost fell but I manage to say "I do not need to go to the Hospital Wing, please." Harry kindly smiled, he gently made me lay down in the floor again and said "ok, we don't take you there, only if you stay laying down till you are strong enough to stand up without falling back. Now tell me, what did Malfoy do with you?"

I was impressed, he thought Malfoy did something to me? "He-he didn't do anything with me. And now I am feeling much better." I said truthfully. I started to get up, this time feeling no dizziness at all since the sun had appeared again and was touching my skin. I saw both Ron and Harry did not believe me so I explained "I don't know exactly what happened. I only know that when the eclipse started I felt weak and then I passed out. We should head back to the dorm people are arriving, and please do not tell this to anyone?" I asked.

Ron was about to say something when Harry interrupted "sure, here let me help you." He helped me get up and we walked to the Gryffindor common room in silent. It had been a long day and I headed to sleep, without dinner or anything.

Harry's POV.

I sincerely did not believe Flora and as I watched she head to bed I was thinking: I will find out what Malfoy did to her. Because if someone plays with my friends they played with me, even is that is the last thing I will do.

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