Area 51 (Ohmwrecker x Brooke)

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Normal POV

The young alien girl slumped down in her cushioned seat, glancing at the precipitation cascading the large diner window

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The young alien girl slumped down in her cushioned seat, glancing at the precipitation cascading the large diner window. Prior to entering the public eye, she converted into a human. Matching her DNA code similar to the girl that had been in a fashion advertisment on one of the electric boards. Replicating the smaller human features.

Fluorescent lights of neon signs popped the dark, quiet, and wet atmosphere. She had never experienced rain, not on her planet..  but Brooke had come to enjoy it. She had stood under the rain for a few minutes, in the middle of the street, as the bright colors reflected on the sleek black top. However, she had been rushed into a diner by a worried human, assumably female.

"Here sweetie, heres some eggs and bacon.. with some orange juice." The waitress set the platter down in front of the young looking girl who wasn't very responsive, let alone impressed by her senses. Confusion peaked her though, as she began fidgeting with the silverware. Two other inhabitants accompanied the diner, both seating at opposite ends of the enlonged counters.

"Are you lost? What were you doing out in that rain, in the middle of the street?" The waitress proceeded, confused.

The alien girl didn't know how to respond but with a glance.

Brooke's POV

"Can you say anything? Do you speak?" The gentle human with the gentle tone nudged on, it had been the only one I would allow in my imprisonment. It let me touch its face, my finger tips grazing its very different features. Its scent was strong, there was hair on its face, its eyes gleamed with a black dot in the middle that followed my every move. The heart beat was calm.

"Its okay, you are safe."

I didn't know what that meant but I wasn't threatened. The tips of my fingers slowly changed into its skin tone as I touched its face, allowing myself to feel for the biological shift.
But I couldn't shift into it, something had been blocking the process. Something told me it wasn't like the rest. It wasn't scared, hateful, nor angry. If anything it felt empathy.

I had learned within my captivity that this had been human food. "Consume this.." Its deep voice reminded me.

"Consume." I repeated subconciously, my voice  almost scaring myself with surprise. Slowly, I had picked up what looked to be a crusted strip of some sort, not enjoying the overpowering smell and ate it.  

The human slowly backed away to her counter, I could feel myself in her sight as if she kept her watch on me.. I was used to that feeling already, having been trapped within firm watch of the humans. I observed the gravity burdened machines racing by, lights of red and blue flashing furiously, the sirens soon fading in the distance as quick as they begun.

The empty and quiet space soon was interrupted by something suddenly walking through the glass doors. I slumped a little bit more, as my back was facing the door on the other side of the diner, just in case it were one of the captors..

Banana Bus Imagines Fanfiction Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora