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I sorta dislike making our beloved youtubers into the villains but thats where the intense drama happens. I still love Brian/terroriser. ♡♡♡This idea came from my friend DyssyRabbit

Brooke's POV

"That's a good girl.. swallow.." Brian smiled down at me innocently enough even with a gun forced against my head. I forced myself to gulp down his semen while he buttoned his pants back together. The mysterious men that watched us were completely covered with a ski masks so it was hard to identify.

Tears stained my cheeks, as I sat on my bruised knees in the same unknown empty warehouse. I just wanted to go back home.. I wanted him and his men to stop stalking my every move.. terrorising me with frightening calls and texts, making me lie to Vanoss about where I have been when he drags me away from home.

Well.. used to drag me. Its been a while now.. I know that specific look he gives me when we are with everyone else, everytime I seen that look I could feel my smile vanish along with the illusion of being happy. Worst of all, Vanoss hadn't a clue about Brian's betrayal. I wish I could confront him about everything thats been going on for the past month but I'd be in trouble from both parties..

Vanoss would hate and banish me for not telling him sooner, and Brian's alliance would soon kill me after the fact. There wasn't any outcome that I'd come out alive. I sobbed silently, thinking of Evan, Moo, and Madeline out of everyone they were suppose to trust me. But I failed them miserably.

"C'mon now Brooklynn babe, no crying.. what did I tell you? If anyone sees your red eyes they'll be suspiscious, right?" The man kneeled down wiping my tears away, his voice soft and almost convincing. "You see.. if they find out, they will hate you because you are a little slut.. and to them you are suppose to be the good girl.. right? Think about what Moo would say, if he saw you swallowing my cum??"

I immediately stopped sobbing, trying to calm down my anxiety and sniffling. I didn't want any of them to think of me like that.. I loved them too much, they'd hate me for sure!

"Or those weak men you call 'Leader'." The vile was apparent in his voice, was he jealous of Vanoss.. or even Wildcat? Was that why he was doing all of this?

"You wouldn't want your precious leaders to think bad about you, huh?" His fingers carressed my cheek as he looked down to me. I shook my head. "They'd probably sell you into prostitution anyway... 'Cuz for once you'd actually be of use to them."

My eyes widened and my heart dropped, violently I shook my head, wanting to deny it, but still believing. He nodded in argument, " Yep.. do you think they see you as anything but a whore ready to make them money.. its just a matter of time before Vanoss...." He trailed off, I felt completely helpless, used up, and hopeless.. Brian was right. What the hell was I thinking?..

"But I wouldn't do that.. ya' know? Unlike them.. I care about you baby.. you know that, right?" He softly spoke, his blue eyes grazing my own. A couple of the men surrounding him shifted.. did Brian care about me?..

"Think about it, sweetie.. why else would I want you to pull away from him. Hes using you. That is the reality. So, why not join me?"

"J-Join you...?" My brows knitted together, looking up a he lifted himself and crossed his arms.

"Yes, join me.. leave your pretentious Leaders.. We could run Los Santos.. " Ambition lit up his eyes, but I shook my head, my eyes staring down at my knees.

"Vanoss is too stro---"

A hard palm smack was felt against my cheek. I whimpered out, closing my eyes in pain and cupping the red impacted area. After a few moments of complete silence, I tried to regain my composure, but Brian grabbed my hair forcing me to look up at him. Venom laced his voice.

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