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Wildcat's POV

I stared down at the woman who sat on the couch.. the small 3 month old child being cradled and nurtured within her arms, as the father is somewhere within their house, drunk. I had to stop him from hurting her, and gave him a bruised shine on his right eye.. Faintly, I could hear the man throwing glass. But Her voice softly kept cooing the child to sleep as it awoken from the yelling.

Brooke and her boyfriend had gotten into an argument again right before I got back to their home.. It has been a week since I was ordered by Vanoss to retrieve her..

Apparently, the plan was finally coming to a conclusion.. Which made me pumped..

Vanoss, 2 years ago, was sentenced to life prison. The Police had caught him alone as they fixated and disguised as a group who wanted to make some deal involving drug deal and trading routes. It was amazing, that my companion was even capable of being caught off guard like that, had any of us been there, we wouldn't had to go through this.

I later found out that him and Brooke had a very passive aggressive fight... She apparently hated that he wasn't giving her enough attention, and wanted to break off their fucked up relationship.

He got annoyed and denied her that request..  and decided to leave the house for some deals to get his mind off of it.. Which had been foolish, as he was then detained an hour later..

The news was large within Los Santos, every News Channel had been talking about it for weeks.. I would know, I was there with Brooke as they showed him geared up wearing orange in court..

The girl cried silently beside me, we all sat down around the couch completely in disbelief and sadness as we watched our Leader get imprisoned on live TV. Evan kept his cool... disregarding every accusation with a collected demeanor. Something we very much taught each other how to do... I came into the gang life 12 years ago, at the age of 18, with Evan as my only companion.

Through our ups and downs we conquered Los Santos.. We used to be lowlife thugs..

'We really truly are so thankful that one of the biggest and deadliest gang leaders in Los Santos is being put behind bars for life as of today. The police are still waiting for information any other gang members that may have been involved with his dealings but so far, they have nothing.'

With Vanoss now prisoned, this was a huge problem to our deals and gang rivalries. He was not considered dead to us.. So, I wasn't the new leader just yet..


The next two years, we made a network to communicate with one another.. He created a reputation within his line of cellmates.. His 'visitors' were completely thought out and good with the group, we used them as messengers.

Eventually, he made it clear he wanted everyone to go on their own life.. He didn't know how long until he was capable of setting up a clean break out. So, everyone was forced to go their own ways until other wise ordered.

20 months later, I was then ordered to group up everyone as the plans were now completed and looked over thoroughly... Finding everyone had been an adventure of its self.. Brooke was the hardest to find. Come to find out she was with some low life scumbag barely able to keep his job at an office. Vanoss was going to be livid once he found out Brooke had moved on... Let alone had a child with this pathetic drunk loser.

She still held the youthful glow about her, her hair was now short and brown, but her smile had faded. The once bright smile had turned into a half pathetic smile.. But tears filled her eyes when she saw me, and for a moment, I felt deja vu.

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