"I do understand," I was tired. My voice became a little uninterested of what I've heard. "I know that we need to adjust this especially that Petra wasn't able to recover that fast. I understand, Mr. James... Please, do you best for this film. I-I'll support anything for the sake of this movie."

It breaks me while saying this things and I know. I know, It was the only way to save everything. It wasn't just for me. It was for the sake of the accomplishment...

I wanted to see Levi smiling when we accomplished this. It's also one that matters.

"Thank you for your consideration, (y/n). But we still apologize... we're very happy for your support." It was audible at the next line how elated Mr. James is.

"No problem." Actually there is. A lot of it.

"Alright. We were already cancelling the taping. Thank you very much for participation. You can now have your deserved rest."

"Thank you, Mr. James." I immediately ended the phone call.

It was enough. It was enough for me to hear another news. It's way too much and my heart is tired.

To be honest. I was literally tired. I need to rest. A lot of rest.

I went back to my room and lay down to the bed we once made with sweet memories.

I'm tired enough to let another tears flow from my eyes...

I slowly close my lids...

I hope this will be enough.



The large open windows made the sunlight enter my room, making me instantly get up early in the morning.

I shot a glance on my bundoir, seeing my eyes blood shot red makes me feel sick. No, shook it off.

Another day must be another hope.

I left my room, observing the empty hallway. I walked down to the main living. People weren't here yet. Probably stayed at the camp overnight.

I made myself a tea. Reminding me of Levi again.

I sat on the empty dining table. Obviously alone so I broke the silence.

"I wish Levi was here..." I muttered. "So we could have this little times again."

I gripped tightly at my cup, trying to hold back the tears attempting to fall. Tch. I'm such a crybaby.

I get up, trying to soothe myself and fortunately it worked. I washed the cup, went back to my room and asked Mr. James if I could go back to Japan that he answered yes.

I packed my things up and booked a flight that day. I returned back, making my way back home.

I just needed space. I need to be alone. A lot of it.

I left France alone. Sitting at the plane with a certain stranger next to me was much better than a paparazzi who wants to ask a lot from the broken hearted woman who got embarrassed in front of everyone in the tape.

I can't bear to go home with others because they seemed to be intrigued about the incident and probably became curious so I went home by myself.

Now here I am standing, back at the house I live just right next to the cold stoic, socially awkward frienemy of mine. Levi Ackerman.

Why did I always thought of him? He's nothing but just a man of my dreams before.

I laughed at the thought.


I know that if Levi was here, you say otherwise.


I shooked everything away and went inside my house. I tried to leave all of the tragedies that happened back at France. I always thought that we'll be having memorable experiences.

And we really had. Just a memorable and heartbreaking memories.

I sighed and slumped my tired self on the couch. I wish I could turn back time...

Revise it all when I'm still just a simple fan who was trying hard to reach my idolized person.

I wish I was still the fan I used to before... so I was living completely fine just like how my family and friends told me.

Unlike now.

Yes. I could touch my idol.

We even kissed.

But everything hurts.

And breaks me down.

So I would rather freely yell his name at the concert, cry and love him from a far...

at least I could never get hurt by his lies.

Than touch, hug and kiss him like we own each other together but living in a whole game and white lies.

But I'm no deity, nor god and majesty to do such things...

The only thing that I thought of was...

I hope we will stay as everything used to be...

Perfectly Matched | Levi X Reader •AU•  (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now