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Murat went and searched for the Psychiatrist number of the family . “ Murat what are you searching for? “ Mother Amelia asked. “ Mam do you remember where the number of the Psychiatrist of the family I have to call him now . “

"Yes but you cant call him now it is late .” “ I will call him even it is late I must help Serine I will never allow her to get collapse and start from the zero .” Mother Amelia gave him the number .Murat called him at late time but he was a wake and told Murat what to do and to say and told him that he will come at their home and talk to Serine. On the next day Murat wake up early actually he slept only 2 hours his eyes hardly could sleep but his heart and brain couldn’t sleep they were thinking of Serine . Murat went and waked up and his Mother and helped her in preparing the the

break fast and asked her to take some of the break fast and to go to Serine and to stay beside her until she wake up and talk to her and told his mother what the Psychiatrist told him . Mother Amelia entered Serine room ,Serine still in sleep she sat beside her for a while finally Serine begun in regains consciousness. “ where am I ?” Serine said to herself and begun in looking around herself and saw Mother Amelia . “ You are safe my poor girl .” Serine begun in remembering every detail of last night and begun in crying heavily and thought that life is ended for her and wished to die . Mother said to Serine what Murat asked her to say to Serine but Serine cant listen only body without a soul . Tears after tears were coming from her face thousands and thousands . Mother Amelia tried to feed her but she refused she was only throwing up from stress and sadness . Mother Amelia get out of the room because she couldn’t demonstrations by force more than that and sat on the floor beside the room and cried as if she was Serine . Murat got anxiety . “ Mam what happened ? Why are you crying ? How is Serine ?” Murat asked . Mother Amelia couldn’t answer him she was crying and words couldn’t get out of her mouth . “ Mam answer me please … Mam cant you hear me? .” Murat shout but even when he shout Mother Amelia couldn’t answer him or stop her self from crying . Murat opened the door of Serine s room . Serine was standing and giving her back to Murat and holding a knife on her hand she was going to cut her veins Murat know this when he saw the knife. “ go out Murat leave me alone .” Serine shout at Murat and started crying again . Murat went and tried to hold her and take the knife but she resisted him and put the knife near to her heart . “ go now you cant help me now what I will live for it now ?even they took my soul and scared my body how I will forget? every time I will look at this hand I will remember.” Serine cant stop crying .Murat used her unbalance and her weakness and twisted her arm and took the knife and throw it out . Serine sat on the floor and she still can remember what happened and cried and cried loudly and hit the floor thousands times with her hands . Murat went and hold Serine up by her shoulders and begin in shouting at her

" Serine wake up …you still white as the snow...... I will never allow you to get collapse and start from the zero , be strong you are my past and present and my future how can I live without you …. wake up please .” Murat was saying while also tears came out of his eyes he was feeling Serine s pains . Serine looked at Murat eyes and his tears and something in his voice was like a clement for her and stopped her from crying . Murat looked at Serine sad eyes and trying to pretend force he only wiped her tears and left the room in speed . He was pretending force only to give Serine strength . Murat went to the police office and made proclamation about what happened . They told him that this street have camera and they going to find them . Murat run to the office and worked but his heart and brain were trifling by Serine from time to time . Everyone asked about Serine .Murat told them that Serine yesterday got her leg twisted and she cant walk on it for a week and she is going to work from home and Serine finished the most of her part in work . Murat lied about Serine work she didn’t finished the most of her work and Murat was working on her part and his in the same time . The first day finished and Murat went home “ hi mam and I am back what happened when I was out ? Did the Psychiatrist came ?.” Murat asked . “ yes he came and talked to Serine and he told me to say to you that you have to call him importantly and Serine all the day in her room and her tears never stops from coming out and she didn’t eat anything from the morning only throwing up and she don’t want to come on dinner or go out of her room I don’t know what to do with her?” “ OK mam don’t worry and put a plate for her with us she will come out and eat with us .” Murat went and changed his cloth . He went to Serine s room and knocked the door and entered . Serine was lying on the bed and looking out of the window and giving her back to Murat she didn’t left her head to see who entered . “ Mam I told you I don’t want to eat or go out of the room please me alone.” Serine said . “ I am not mam I am Murat can we talk? .” “ No and please go out and close the door .” “ Do you think that like this you will be able to recover by thinking of it thousand and thousand of times by just siting and blaming yourself and heating your self and the world and becoming weak less if that the way you think you will recover you are wrong … you have to be strong and think that you still pure I swear to you that I saved you before they cant touch you you still pure you have to fight them and the world and be come strong and don’t lose trust in people. The Strike which doesn’t kill you made you more stronger you have to think of this and like this so will you come out of your room and have dinner with us? .” Murat said while he was trying to hold his anger . “ Murat did you hear me I don’t want to go anywhere leave me alone please.” Serine shout him . “ you didn’t leave me any solution than this.” Murat pulled Serine up and carried her up between his hand and they went like this to the dinning room . “ Murat let me down .” Murat put Serine down on the chair and asked his mother to bring the dinner for her . Serine was fighting him she want to

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